Childhood fascination turned adult hobby

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When my sister and I were younger, my parents took us to the Valley Model Railroad open house every year:

I can remember those nights quite well ... Dad always having a tough time finding a parking spot (place was literally PACKED every year) ... Mom having to lift us kids up to see the models, whenever a bench was not available for us to stand ... sis and I awed at the layouts and towns and cars and trains that were SO much better than our layout at home:

While it was a thrilling time, back then I didn't realize the significance of the building (Clintonville Station, VMR's home, was an electrical substation and passenger stop on the Chicago Aurora & Elgin Railroad). But now, even THAT history is interesting to me.

On Friday, September 28, all four of us returned to VMR. I found out several months ago that VMR now has "open nights" the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, allowing people to come in to observe while they work on the layout. While we only spent just over a half hour there, we learned quite a lot. The layout has changed dramatically from the last time we were there ... lots of new things, new scenery, new areas in development and a lot easier to see. Course, we're a bit taller now...he heh. But, VMR has also done a nice job of breaking up the layout so people can walk in between it ... instead of only being able to walk around the permimeter.

During that visit, I talked with Jeff. We had a cool conversation, with him inviting me to stop by on a Wednesday night. Each Wednesday night, VMR members gather to work on the layout.

I didn't wait too long. On Wednesday, October 3, I went ... and talked with Jeff and met Skip, with whom I'd been exchanging Emails and Voice Mails over the last month. I now am in the process of considering and becoming a member. Should be interesting....

So ... what childhood fascinations have turned into adult hobby for you?

[Other ones for me, of course, would include owning the Monte Carlos:

...and doing the radio shows:

...and my road trips.]

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"The rhythm of the rails is all they feel" ... Willie Nelson ... 'City Of New Orleans'
My hubby has been involved in his MARKLIN train set since he's been 6. We have a small house with only a half basement. His layout uses about 3/4. I have just enough room for my washer and dryer.
(If I knew how to attach a scanner to this lap-top I'd post some of his pictures)
Enjoy your new hobby
When I was little, one of my aunts gave me an old treadle sewing machine with all the attachments. I taught myself how to sew and use all those attachments on the old machine. It's still one of the best machines I ever had, it could sew through anything.

When I was young I also taught myself how to embroider, crochet, knit, and tat a little.

I am mecnaincally inclined, so I found it easy to figure things out.

I have always used these skills throughout my life, whenever I had time.

It also made me the family seamstress and fixer-upper for fabric and yarn type things.

I tell my grandchildren that there isn't anything in that genre that I can't fix.
Cool, i love model railways, i'd love to get Curtis one but he doesn't look after things that well at the moment:( . I'd say dolls houses was my hobby i bought 3 off e-bay to do up but haven't had the time yet and they are sat in the loft
My boys LOVE to go see model railroad displays. Andrew, in particular, has always been fascinated with trains. He'll spend hours watching the trains travel through the set-ups!
Freddie said:
My hubby has been involved in his MARKLIN train set since he's been 6.

Hmm...not sure I'm familiar with MARKLIN ... what scale is that? Or, is that the scale? Sorry for my ignorance....

Andrew'sMom said:
My boys LOVE to go see model railroad displays.

He he ... sure hope you showed them the links then ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"The world rolls by a million miles away" ... James Taylor ... 'Our Town'
My childhood fascination was to learn how to play an instrument

My childhood fascination was to learn how to play an instrument

I started out playing the trombone, and I had to give that up because I was developing asthma and didn't know it......

So I said....I'll show those bum lungs of mine....I will try and learn how to play the piano/keyboard, so I have been, and although it's going slower than I would like, I am doing it. I can't wait until I am actually good at it...LOL:D :D :D

My other passion is swimming... Even if I only get into water to "soak the bones" I enjoy it thoroughly. (Just Don't Expect This Person To Do Any Swan Dives...Those Days Are Over! LOL):D :D :D Harrybaby
I was the "odd" little girl on the street......pushing aside the doll playing to catch salamanders, newts, toads, turtles, and snakes. I would have a praying mantis or woolly bear caterpillar in containers as pets.
Neighbours got used to me walking around with tent caterpillars on my arms.
Okay, so I am a little older now.....but just last week in the warm weather, hubby finds a pure black woolly bear and brings it inside for me to cherish for a few days. I would have kept it in hibernation over the winter, but the blacks are rare here, and morph into spectacular moths, so I tearfully let it go.
I'm already looking forward to spring and a new hatching of amphibians and reptiles.:)
cooker said:
Come to think of fascination has always remained the same;) :D ;)

*grins devilishly*

I know............

Course, I didn't mention one of my still is simply just that ... a fascination.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"I've got this feeling that won't subside" ... Eric Carmen ... 'Hungry Eyes'
knightfan2691 said:
Hmm...not sure I'm familiar with MARKLIN ... what scale is that? Or, is that the scale? Sorry for my ignorance....

Marklin has HO, O and Z. I've got a couple of pieces in Z (somewhere in a box). The older box cars and engines were made out of metal. It has only been about 6 years since MARKLIN started to make things out of plastic, but the detail is still there. Marklin is a brand name of models? SWEET ... I'll have to check into that....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Simple little things are the miracle cures" ... Neal McCoy ... 'Wink'

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