And, what a great surprise that was!!!!
It is sssooo good to meet people in person! We had a WONDERFUL time today of food and fellowship and sharing heart stories/experiences during the Chicago-area ValveReplacement.com/ACHAheart.org joint gathering. Alas, we didn't have time to play pool...maybe next time.
Nine people attended:
Cort (VR/ACHA)
Carol (VR/ACHA)
triften/Shaun + Jen (ACHA)
Gina (VR)
Steve (VR)
Lorraine (VR)
Burair (VR)
Bill (VR)
We even had a Cubs game (with the LA Angels) in the background...which, of course, prompted the "inquiry" of WHY the next ValveReplacement Reunion is in St Louis MO, of ALL places...he he.
At the gathering, you could hear comments like these, which are "semi-quoted"...I think I have the statement and person who said it correct...if not, my apologies ... memory can sometimes be a ... well, you know...:
"I'm not watching them!" ... Lorraine, about the Cubs ... but only because her back (like mine) was to the TV. Lorraine, like me, is a die-hard Cubs fan. We reminisced about the 2003 ValveReplacement Chicago reunion ... during which we watched the Cubs and Marlins in the NL Championship Series.
"He was thinking she looked darn good for a 40-year-old" ... Gina, referencing my astonishment at the possibility that the lady holding the twin babies in Gina's VR avatar was 40 years old. She isn't ... that is not the mother, but another relative

"All of the lighting techniques were just amazing" ... Carol, talking about all of the lighting changes that a local TV station did during an interview with her recently.
"I just wanted to come" ... Bill, indicating that he is a "lurker" on VR.com from Carol Stream IL, but thoroughly enjoys reading VR every day ... and wanted to come meet all of us. And, yes, we are very glad you joined us, Bill!
"Yeah, who could it be ... who IS that mystery guest that Gina mentioned?" ... me ... as Steve, Lorraine and I (the first 3 to arrive) were trying to figure out just who Gina meant when she noted in a post that we had a special VR.com-member mystery guest coming. Some names that we mentioned: the awesome Janie from the great state of Texas; marvelous Mary who does NOT live in St Louis...but close to it; the stunning Sherry, who had said she wasn't planning to join us, but given the nice weather, we thought maybe she would.... Just as we were contemplating this, I turned and saw a man coming towards us ... and what a pleasant surprise it was to see him back in IL!!!
We also discovered how small this world is...with several members having Elmhurst IL ties in common!
And, we mentioned some people that we thought might join us, but didn't:
Amy and boyfriend (ACHA)
Suellen (ACHA)
Danielle (VR)
Janie (VR ... Texas ... but only because we thought she might be the "mystery guest")
Mary (VR ... Missouri ... but only because we thought she might be the "mystery guest")
Sherry (VR ... Indiana ... but only because we thought she might be the "mystery guest")
We parted, deciding that we ought to do this "more often", including impromptu gatherings AND planned gatherings, making sure all are welcomed ... including those from "out of state". The next gathering might be in the Geneva/St Charles IL area....
One of those "planned" events might very well be The Jason Schweinberg Memorial Golf Classic, held each year in September in Sandwich IL. A link to the 2007 event info:
Once I learn of the details for the 2008 event, I will post 'em.
A possible gathering for NEXT February (2009), might be this Heart Fair:
We talked about the 2009 Spring ValveReplacement Reunion in St Louis; it sounds as if most of us VRers are planning to go, depending on scheduling, etc:
We also discussed the ACHA and aspects of it, including the Conferences:
Sadly, I missed the 2008 ValveReplacement Reunion in Orlando FL this past February ... and I will miss the 2008 ACHA Conference this May in Philadelphia PA....
One last thing ... when it came time to "pool"ing our money for the restaurant bill, we somehow ended up with $20 extra. We decided to split it between the two groups ... so, within the next week or so I will send $10 to VR and $10 to ACHA.
Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Finding trust and love is not always easy to make" ... Yael Naim ... 'New Soul'