Chest pain back again

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
As some of you may remember, I went into the hospital 3 weeks ago for chest pain that started in the early morning hours and lasted for about 30 minutes......They did all the normal tests, blood work every 8 hrs, EKG, chest x-rays, etc., and really did not find anything wrong.....I spent a little over 24 hrs in the hospital (yep, was admitted).

Now, pain started again about 5:30 this morning. It is not radiating to my left side this time, but my right side is really weak. The pain is more in the sternum area but I do feel pressure/tightening all over my chest. I took a tramadol about 7am this morning to try and get the edge off, but so far it is not working.

My question is: Should I go to the ER and let them do all the tests again, just to be safe or could this possibly be just normal sternum pain? The pain is about an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. It hurts whether I lay down, sit up, stand up, etc. It seems tp hurt more when I exhale versus inhale. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I really don't want to go to the ER again if this is just something stupid.

By the way, I took my blood pressure and it is 96/60 and my HR is 73. I also took it on the right side and it was 94/60 and HR was 72, so my blood pressure is fine (at least I think it is!!)
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I had a similar situation and it turned out to be pericarditis. You may want to call your doctor. Two weeks after being treated for that ,the pain got worse and did go down my left arm so I was admiited for 3 days, meds were changed and I am doing better.
I would make a call and see what the doc says or go to the ER.
I don't like the symptom of your right side being really weak. That combined with a recurrence of chest pains means a trip to the ER again, I believe.
I think I will call my cardiologists office and see what they recommend. It has been 3 hours since the tramadol and I have seen no relief. It seems to feel a little better for about 5 minutes then it slams into me again. All I am doing in sitting in my chair, watching TV so its not like I am exercising or anything. Thanks all......
I called my doctor and he told me to take a vicodin and see if that helps. He is positive that it is not my heart, since it is pretty much the same pain as 3 weeks ago. He told me if the pain does not subside within an hour to call him back and go to the ER. Since most of the weakness and pain is located more on the right side than left side, he thinks it could be muscular instead of something major, but he wants me to be safer than sorry since women tend to present different than men. Yay, a doctor that finally listens!!!!

I will let you all know later what happens. I just took my pill and am going to lay down for awhile and see if it gets better. My hubby will be home about 4 today and it is 2:30 now, so I think I will see if I can hold off til he gets here. Thank you all for your advice. It is greatly appreciated.
I don't understand that it could be muscular. Muscular pain hurts, but usually doesn't make you weak.

What could you have done to cause such muscular pain? Did you lift something heavy, or strain yourself in some way?

I hope it isn't anything of importance.

The weakness part is bothering me.
I took that pain pill yesterday and pretty much stayed down for the rest of the evening. The pain never really went away so I am thinking it is NOT muscular. I also took a muscle relaxer last night (which I usually just take when my back acts up, which seems to be all the time!!) and it did nothing. I was awake for most of the night with the pain and it is still here today.

Nancy - my right side kinda feels like it is know, like that feeling you get when your foot goes to sleep and starts waking up? It hurts my chest to use my right arm to do much. I cannot lift it over my head at all. I am going to my regular PCP today to see if she can figure it out. I will let you all know once I have some answers.