Chemical stress test................

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi everyone, about two weeks ago I had another short stay at my local hospital. I had had chest pain on and off for 5 days, so on the 5th morning I took myself off to my gp. She immediately sent me into my local (small) hospital. Anyway, to cut a long story short. I had a stress test done the next day. I walked for nearly 6 minutes but had to stop due to chest pain/pressure. So, now they want to do a chemical stress test.

Has anyone here ever had it done ? What was your experience like? I am worried that it might cause me to have a heart attack or a dangerous arrhythmia .

Thank you all....Jacqui. x
Nope never done a chemical stress test before. Hopefully someone here should answer your question.
Hope you feel better soon.
By Chemical do you mean a nuke test? If yes I had a lot of them. No big deal, they start an IV, take a MRI of your heart then hook you up to the EKG leads. You walk and at some point they inject a dye. Then back on the table for another MRI. Gives them a good pic of your heart. Hope that helps.
Joe had several of those. He thought they were no big deal. But that was Joe. I do think they speed up your heart and may make you feel a little uncomfortable. But they are important if you need to get to the bottom of things. I am sure you will be just fine and they will keep a very watchful eye on you.
I've had several dobutamine stress echos over the last 10 years. They take a resting echo first then inject the dobutamine in about 3 minute intervals until they hit the desired heart rate all the time doing the echos. They kept asking if I was feeling any discomfort each time before injecting more dobutamine. They can stop the dobutamine at any point during the test if you experience any chest pain or other than mild discomfort. I felt a little uneasy as my heart beat increased in speed without any exertion on my part. All in all, not a bad test if you are unable to walk on the treadmill. The cardiologist did a very good job of describing what I would likely feel during the test and that I should inform them about any discomfort I might experience. I had no problems after my heart returned to normal rate with any after effects of the dobutamine.

So, now they want to do a chemical stress test.

Has anyone here ever had it done ? What was your experience like? I am worried that it might cause me to have a heart attack or a dangerous arrhythmia .

I've had two Cardiolite stress test. Mine was simple and easy. But I'm use to fast walking 3 miles a day. Some folks don't like the treadmill part.
The cardiologist will be keeping a close check on you and it will be over before you know it.
Good luck on the results.
Thank you all for your replies.

Thanks Bina. That link was helpful. Im still worried about it but I think I will have to have it done if I am to make progress. I seem to remember Ross having something to say about this test in the past !!! Hey Ross, can you share your experience of this test please.

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