Cathy, afib is nothing compared to what you've been through! I consider myself lucky to have had an afib problem because it resulted in them finding my bicuspid aortic valve and dilated ascending aorta! Without afib, I might have ended up being one of those relatively healthy not too old buys that just dropped dead one day. (I might still, as surgery isn't going to occur for a couple of months!)
My afib was diagnosed about 6 years ago, although I had a few bouts before that. Sometimes, I would have 4 or 5 episodes a week, but most of them didn't last longer than 12 or so hours. The majority of them would start in the middle of the night and stop in the morning. With the right mix of a good med, supplements and stress control, I've been relatively afib free for almost two years, but I am going to have that surgically fixed also.
Don't panic with afib. It won't kill you. If you're still on coumadin from your surgery, you aren't in any danger. If you aren't on coumadin, the danger of afib lies in the potential of developing a clot and stroking. If your afib comes and goes, you probably won't develop a clot; there is some disagreement in the medical field, but most agree that you have to be in afib around 36 to 48 hours before clotting becomes an issue. If you're on coumadin, it isn't an issue.
Lay down, relax and it may just go away. For some people, gentle aerobic exercise drives it away. Just know it won't stay around too long and relax.