Hensylee...I was wondering who you were referring to in your post directly after mine.... I know some people call me Courtney, Corty (my cousin Julianne's favorite), Steven,, I *thought* you meant me, but I wasn't sure ... LOL

Rain...I'll probably try that some afternoon/evening

. I'll keep ya posted


. Hmm..had to look at the picture again to tell ya...LOL. Actually, my left arm is right where it should to hand is in my pocket. Amy has her arms looped through my left arm.... See? It's all sweet and innocent

. And, btw, the car we are standing in front of is my buddy's 87 MC LS...too bad it is no more

And yep...knightfan2691=Cort

. Heh...and I do love music...among other things

. As for me being just a baby..........................