carolrai's surgery on Tuesday

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Carol, I know you are leaving on Sunday for MN and just want to wish you a successful surgery on Tuesday and an uneventful recovery. With three valves and a conduit, you have quite a climb up the mountain, but we have faith that you will do fine and be back here posting soon to tell us all about it. Godspeed!
Good luck on Tuesday. Best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. I look forward to an update from the other side of the mountain.
You are in my prayers, Carol. Warm thoughts for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery!


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers! I am so glad I found this site when I did. Everyone has really been wonderful and inspiring. I still don't feel as though it has "hit" me yet that there are only a few days til my surgery. I feel like it is sureal. I think I having been keeping my mind occupied with all that I need to finish before I go, and when I am on my way up there on Sunday, I will finally realize what the heck is about to happen! Every so often I have a memory pop back into my mind from my previous OHS's. For example, I forgot (mentally blocked!) all about chest tubes until a week ago...I think when they take them out is what bothered me the most. :eek: Well, for now I will just continue to do what I always do...take things one day at a time, and soon I will be on the other side of this mountain. I will try to have my husband post for me or I know for sure he will be updating my carepage.(, carepage name: CarolsJourney) Best of luck to all who are going for surgery as well next week and in the near are in my prayers. Talk to you soon!!!
Thanks for the carepage link, Carol. We will be checking on you and looking forward to all good reports. Travel safely to MN and again, Godspeed!
Wishing you a safe and easy trip over the mountain. See you on the other side.

Good luck Carolrai...

Good luck Carolrai...

I will keep you in my prayers this week for your surgery and first of all safe travel here to MN. Is your daughter going with you to Mayo?

My daughter, Molly was only 5 when I had my surgery. I didn't give her a lot of explanation, just that something was wrong with Mommy's heart and the doctors had to fix it. She visited me in the hospital a couple of times and would crawl into bed with me and not want to leave. The amazing thing was that at age 5, she was able to memorize the 10 digit phone number to call me as often as she liked while I was hospitalized for 8 days.
Carolrai's carepage update

Carolrai's carepage update

Here is an update from Carol's carepage. Wishing her all the best today as she has pretesting and a meeting with the surgeon.

Greetings from Minnesota! Despite the weather, we made it here in about 6 hours. We are now at our hotel and our first appt is at 10am Monday. That is for blood test and a chest x-ray, then we see the surgeon at 1pm. As of now, I am getting admitted Tuesday morning at the crack of dawn, but am not sure if that will change after I see the doctor. Right now I still can't believe this is going to happen in less than 2 days. I can feel that my nerves are starting to kick in, and I am sure by tomorrow (Monday) it will be even more so. I do have faith in the doctors and I know God will be watching over me,keeping me safe. I don't think I have ever had so many people praying for me, and I am so grateful for that. I truly believe in the power of prayer, and think that has helped me pull through thus far. I wish I had the time to tell each one of you how much you mean to me. My friends and family are the best a person could have. I dont know how I wouldget though this without each and every one of you. I love you all and you all have a special place in my heart (and I made sure that those special places are not being replaced during this surgery!!!) Anyhow, all jokes aside, I want to thank you. Thank you for being here for me,listening to me, helping me and my family and for keeping my spirits up when I am down. I pray that this surgery goes smoothly, that my recovery is uneventful and that I will be able to run around and share many more fun times with all of you. Thank you.
I am not sure if I will be able to update again before surgery,but I will try. Otherwise,Vito will be posting updates after my surgery until I am able to again. Good night and love to all....
I'm glad you made it to Rochester ahead of the big snow storm. My thoughts are with you, and I will keep you in my prayers.
God bless
Carol is in pre-op and ready to go

Carol is in pre-op and ready to go

Here's the latest update by Vito from Carol's care page. Our prayers are with her as she enters surgery:

11 February 27, 2007 at 08:51 AM CST
Hi everyone, this is Vito. Its 9am and Carol just went in to surgery. I don't know how long she is going to be in the pre-op area. The nurses here will keep us updated every 2 hours, I will let update this page as soon as I get the updates.
Phyllis, I really appreciate you posting the care page updates. I woke up this morning at 4 a.m. and instantly thought of Carol and started praying for her. This is going to be a very complicated surgery for her and she has been on my mind since she first posted.

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