Can you identify? Part 3

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
Apparently the other ones were too easy so here is a harder one.

Hint: This is in Georgia.


Good luck and have fun guessing.
Congratulations! You have guessed!

Uhmm, now what's in the background?
:p :D
My backyard..:D :p ...Let me guess ...Providence Canyon State Park .also known as Georgia's Little Grand Canyon..:D ..South of Atlanta...Bonnie
Ah Bonnie, I knew you would get that one. I need to stay international. The next one tonight will be another Georgia.

Here is another picture of Providence Canyon, considered to be one of the seven natural wonders of Georgia.

Yes, David..We have been to almost all the State parks in Ga. in our motohome.:D ..Bubba must still be is in his backyard..:p I won't play tonight..Give others a chance..Bonnie
Shucks, mah gran'pa used t'haul timber outta thet "hole in th' groun'". When ah was a growin' up we used t'play thar all th' time. We used t'climb th' sides, carve our names in them (WHAT???!) an' sech. Thet was way befo'e it became a "PROTECTED" State Park. Shet mah mouth! ;) :D

On th' back side ah was one of th' last ones t'drive acrost a road thet was only about 10 t'12 feet wide wif 100 plus drop offs on etch side. Not long af'er about 5 feet fell in, no mo'e road! :eek: :eek:

Bubba :)
Providence Canyon is just beautiful. We camped there three years ago this month. We will be going back in late July of next year. My wife's family has a reunion every two years. It is our turn to plan it and select the location. We decided on Florence Marina (next to Providence Canyon). We reserved all of the cabins for a week.


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