In Ontario,Canada the "TAX BURDEN" is on all employers and through federal transfer payments to the provinces so here a Doctor bills OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) and their funds come from the provincial coffers. I live comfortably on a modest disability pension and last year had to pay no taxes ...that is why I say I recieve free healthcare.
So I thank Philp Bs son for coming to Canada and earning his wage here so that his employer could help me out .
As irritating as Michael Moore can be I learned a lot about how lucky I am by seeing his movie "sicko"
I am sorry to anyone that got upset by my use of the word FREE in another thread where I was addressing a fellow Canadian who I was trying to help as I thought that is what a support forum was supposed to be and not a political soapbox
again my appologies
........................... My son and his family emigrated to Canada. The taxes they pay in Ontario are much less than what health insurance was costing them when they lived in Colorado. I can only speak to the experience my family has had........................................................-Philip
So I thank Philp Bs son for coming to Canada and earning his wage here so that his employer could help me out .
As irritating as Michael Moore can be I learned a lot about how lucky I am by seeing his movie "sicko"
I am sorry to anyone that got upset by my use of the word FREE in another thread where I was addressing a fellow Canadian who I was trying to help as I thought that is what a support forum was supposed to be and not a political soapbox
again my appologies
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