We have always had insurance for Justin. ButJustin has had many surgeries, spent abut 6 months all together in the hospital his first 2 years and 2 heart surgeries as well as pyloric stenotis surgery (he also had over 53 ECHOs before he was 2 the echo tech , who got to know us well "congradulated" us for having the most ECHOs at CHOP, I quit counting awhile ago) those 2 years all we paid was a 10 dollar copay for out patient visits and like 5 dollar co pay for meds when he was home, nothing for anything in the hospital . That was in 88-90 and even then his bills were hundreds of thousands.
The surgeries and hospital stays he has had since then also cost us nothing..even when his hospital was out of Network for our insurance, we were able to get pre-approved (complex case, continuity of care ect) to have it coverred like in network (it was alot of phone calls and letters, but worth it)
The ONE problem/cost we really had to fight was when he was 11 and had BE and on 2 very expensive IV antibiotics he needed to get 3 times a day for 6 weeks, Insurance had a dumb rule they had no problem paying everything IF he stayed in the hospital but wouldn't cover the meds if he went home ,(we didn't even want alot of nursing, we could change the ivs ect) he had to stay 3 extra days while we (including his social worker and docs) had to fight to get those coverred. We even pointed out the money they wasted keeping him in the hospital when he was well enough to go home more than coverred the weeks of IVs, for some reason they couldn't get that. Anyway, we got it coverred and he could come home, this was in about 2000. I was happy/surprised when he had the sternal infection and we were setting everything up to go home, they now coverred home IVs with out a problem. It never made sense to be willing to spend thousands of dollars a day to keep a relatively healthy kid in the hospital for weeks on top of the IV meds/supplies, instead of just paying for the IVs athome and no other cost.
I lost count of how much Justin's bills were (even just for his heart stuff) but when he is in the hospital we don't pay anything. when he is home we pay a 20 dollar co pay.