Can someone answer this??????

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Maureen said:
After reading those posts, I am sitting here drooling and would happlily sell my granny for a runny egg!...were it not for 2 problems....1. unfortunately I no longer have a granny to sell and 2. A couple of hours after eating it, I would be very very sick!

I had the flu vaccine for the 1st time about 20 years ago and took a bad reaction to it. The Dr said it was an allergic reaction and that as the vaccine is derived from chickens, I should ensure that all chicken and eggs are well cooked before eating them. I can eat an egg that it well cooked but they don't taste near as good as a runny one...every few years I think maybe it'll be ok this time and I succumb to temptation...only to suffer the nausea etc a few hours later.....when will I ever learn!
Sorry Maureen, I knew someone out of all of us had to be allergic to them. Well I don't eat enough of them to make much difference, but I know what you mean by the taste difference in well and raw.
twinmaker said:
Hey Guys...I thought it was OK to eat your steak rare. I mean I eat mine really RED center. I know hamburgers have to be cooked well done but I thought that was because it was ground meat and was more likely to become contaminated with some bacteria. I sure would hate to think about giving up on my rare steaks. I love eggs sunny side up but I now cook them medium (still a little undone in the yolk). Linda
I HAVE TO have my beef red to pink red whether it be ground beef or steak. Well done kills it and it doesn't taste the same. I think all of us as kids, ate more stuff then, that is considered a bad idea now, and were all still alive!
You're right Ross. I'm going to keep ordering my steaks rare and mooing. I'm not ready to give up having the waiter slap me on my back and say, "way to go" when they hear a woman ordering a rare steak. Linda
Ross said:
I HAVE TO have my beef red to pink red whether it be ground beef or steak. Well done kills it and it doesn't taste the same. I think all of us as kids, ate more stuff then, that is considered a bad idea now, and were all still alive!

............yeah, but here we all are hanging around a heart site on the internet ;) .

I think of the foods we ate as kids and really miss some of them. The dishes of rich ice cream every night with Hershey's syrup poured over it were the absolute best. We drank glasses of whole milk with every meal. Breakfast always included eggs that were usually fried in bacon grease. We had pot roast almost every Sunday with the required mashed potatoes and gravy. Sunday afternoons we had hot tea and pecan sandies to dunk into it. Comfort food was tomato soup made with whole milk and grilled cheese sandwiches to dip into it....(we did a lot of dipping :) ) We also ate a whole lot of fresh vegetables and salads though. Soda pop was rare but we drank pitchers of sweetened Kool-Aid in the shiney metal pitcher with the smile on it. No one in my family has ever had high cholesterol. I would like to return to childhood to eat with abandon for at least a few days.
True we are on a heart website but not one for bypass surgery. Our problems are not due to blocked arteries, etc.

While there is a good arguement for healthy eating, I will not give up my comfort food. I may have a few too many pounds on me and a higher cholesterol level than is desirable, but I am quite a happy camper. I do watch what I eat (I watch it all the way to my mouth - just kidding) but I enjoy the occasional forbidden fruit without guilt.

Ross - I cannot eat beef that is well done either. I like mine quite rare, especially if I am splurging on tenderloin (once or twice a century ;) :D ).
Maybe there are too many bacteria today compared to when we were young, too much mass farmed foods, too many crowded conditions in the food factories and unsafe handling.

My daughter who loved to make chocolate chip cookies and always ate the raw dough without any problem, until one time. She became very ill.

She said she will never eat any raw dough again, raw eggs either.
Gosh Betty, You've made me hungry. Some mashed potatoes, fried chicken with milk gravy and fried okra sounds pretty good right about now. All homemade, of course! This just may be one of those Sunday evenings when I need some comfort food. Let's see...I need a reason. How about, I'm ready for some cool Fall weather and it's 5:00 P.M. and 91, hot and humid outside. Yep...sounds like a reason for comfort food to me! Linda
Gina, you are right about our heart problems not being diet related but it just seemed a little ironic that we are all here regardless.

I like my eggs with a soft yoke and I like my meat on the rare side. I'm not a raw fish eater though and even like my Salmon cooked through. I've think I've made about all the changes I'm going to in the way I eat. I think I'll just stick with moderation except with the sodium which is truly a no-no for me. If it didn't make me so miserable and SOB though I would use it since it makes my food taste better.

Nancy, I forgot about all the wonderful cookie dough with the raw eggs in it. I heard that enough vanilla kills the salmonella. Do you know if there is any truth in that?
You are so right - I miss salt too. Although I am not on a totally salt-free diet, I avoid table salt and added salt while cooking. I use a lot of garlic so I may not be as popular with "close" friends as I was when I was a salt user but the flavor needs to come from somewhere. :D ;)
Lorraine talked about Easter Eggs...we used to take raw eggs, poke small holes in each end with a needle, and blow the eggs' contents out though one of the holes. We'd wash those empty shells and dye them for easter. We could keep them until they eventually got smashed.

Of course, with the contents, we made eggnog. And scrambled eggs. And anything else we could think of that took eggs.

As far as the vanilla extract (which does contain a small amount of alcohol), it would take a lot more than a teaspoonful or two to be safe.

Best wishes,
Granbonny said:
The only time I eat an on weekends..when Grandson is here..He loves bacon and eggs..I scrambled them GOOD....done...Now, sometimes my Hubby likes to boil 2 eggs for breakfast..Crack open and eat on toast...BUT..he usually does this in late morning on weekends..Like 10 a.m......Not to gross anyone out..but, I can smell the eggs after he goes to bathroom.. :eek: and he always has an upset stomach..later that day..I keep telling him..don't eat uncooked eggs late in day... this has been going on for many years..Yet, everytime he does it..I remind ate uncooked eggs late this a.m...and he says..No, that's not it.. :mad: the next time he wants that..I am going to tell him..Crack the bathroom window. :p Bonnie

Bonnie, I used to keep spray in the bathroom. Daughter moved in, is allergic to all that stuff, so I keep a small box of matches in there. Strike one, it burns off the residual perfume gases.
School lunches

School lunches

My now age 37 year old a bad illness to mayo served sometime during her early childhood schooling..Never can eat anything with mayo in it now..Makes her feel ill..just to cook with it..potato salad, ect., ..I got sick, too, long time ago from potato salad left outside too long..during a hot, Alabama reunion.....If I take potato salad to a luncheon..outside..I thrash what is left.. :eek: ..Most of us old timers remember when chickens were left to peck and eat anything on the ground..worms, ect..and we survived.. :D Eating them for Sunday dinners and their eggs.. :p Even, tho, my family lived in town..spent all weekends, summers, on my Grandfather;s farm....We had the large mid-day Dinner..then a cover was put over the food..all afternoon..for supper. Ate left-overs..Drank milk from a cow..who sometimes got into weeds that made the milk sour.. :eek: ....and all the meds we were given was castor oil with orange juice. :eek: for everything.. :eek: Bonnie
parents used to give us sips of coffee after the castor oil. Ugh. Maybe that's why I hated coffee til someone taught me it was ok. Brother, sister never drank coffee all their lives. They drank tea, like our grandmother taught them to do. English, you know.
I like my eggs sunny side up too. Also when I eat a boiled egg I just barely boil it, just enough to get the white done. I don't like a runny white. I like to eat my steak medium done, I don't want it to moo when I stick my fork into it. My husband eats some rather stange things. He has to have grape jelly with his spagetti. He eats syrup on his fried potatoes. He also makes what he calls a "mess" out of syrup and peanut butter. To each his own!
I don't eat eggs unless they are thoroughly cooked. A friend of my parents always ate his "soft boiled" eggs after a short 90 second poaching. He did it for years until he came down with a case of food poisoning that almost killed him.
In regards to beef, I can hardly touch any beef product since I have a cow valve. Now That's the downside to not going mechanical! :D :D
All this discussion about raw foods, etc. reminds me of the stuff my mother did not refrigerate. Ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, jelly, and butter (yes, the real stuff - mmmmm) were all kept in a kitchen cabinet. I'm sure the butter would get rancid during the summer but we never noticed it!

Reading all your warm fuzzy feeling posts laugh at myself as I can't help but notice my head works differently. I'm an engineer and need to know all the details. Here are the thoughts of one who thinks too much about the details.

Poo touching eggshell in unavoidable. Chicken simply are not sanitary stainless. Same with chicken meat durring processing and to a much smaller extent cow & pig with most problem coming from the hides durring slaughter.

The big problem is transfer to carb growth medium and a few hours at room temp. Tummy is pretty durrable and filled with acid that breaks most things apart. If salmonilla rich eggshell that people often quote as 10-30% infected transfers to growth medium the little bugs can multiply 1Million X in a fairly short time at room temp and you end up with so many that a few might live thru the acid bath in tummy and find the vunerable places of digestion track.

It's statistics at work. We're exposed to very small quantity of these nasty things all the time, but 99.99999% of time body does it's job of being dominant organism and you never see bad effects. There are hundreds of sources of tiny risk every day. Heart and other weakened body people loose a couple of those 9 at end and are more vunerable. Dense populations due to growth and highly virulent strains like giardia in stream/lake water increase risks.

I for one will continue to enjoy runny egg yokes, pink meat, old style eggnog (eaten promptly) and have redoubled my home sanitary practices since learning first hand about dying durring the last couple hrs before docs fixed my MI. Egg are also quite durrable and internal infection is rare compared to shell. Until the edible portion touches outside of shell it's pretty safe in most cases. Marinating as the only cooking method creeps me out.

Some paranoid thoughts now that my head is really spinning.
I have to wonder about my wet hands touching the egg shell. Also where do the egg sit before I crack them. Marinaid liquids and containers for chicken meat just became toxic in my mind.

Uncooked cake/cookie batter is probably a very stupid thing to eat but how many people do you know who ever got sick from licking the spoon or beaters. It has the carb, protein from egg, fats, isn't salty as heck thus killing bugs and what more could a bug want to eat not to mention how long did it sit at room temp and grow before you ate it.

Comercial food people have to go to extremes as every jury member can easilly be swayed that risk and good practices are well understood and ubscene judments will continue to be payed out. Production 1000x 's the risk as the same equipment touches everything and grinders mix meat of 1000 beasts. Little mistakes multiply exposure and risks grow quickly from nil to measurable.

For those who must eliminate all risks 160F is the magic temp for killing most bugs and cooked to death pretty much assures you got to a temp to kill everything.
Dave_40 said:
For those who must eliminate all risks 160F is the magic temp for killing most bugs and cooked to death pretty much assures you got to a temp to kill everything.
Including your taste buds. :D :D ;)

Thanks for the engineer's perspective because my SO is out of town so I have not received that side yet. ;)
You all are going to freak when I say most eggs are irradiated before being shipped. Saw that on that there Discovery Channel I think it was. They are coming out with a hologram to be put on each individual egg to prove that it's been through the process and guarantee freshness.
I do not eat tomatoes in the winter..I heard, they gas them to turn them red on the way to market.. :eek: Gas?... the one's that I have bought were hard as a rock..Try to get my fill of home-grown ones in the summer. :D .....another tid-bit..Lived on a farm for 25 years..neighbor raised laying hens..when the hens got to old for laying were sold to make chicken soup, ect.. Like chicken and noodle soup..Ever noticed how tough the bits of chicken ..taste? I make my own chicken and noodle soup in the winter..and chicken and easy..that canned stuff is awful.. I'm cooking a pork loin for dinner..I cook it to death..Until it is fork tender..Pork, is one thing that really needs to be cooked long..Bonnie

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