Can I still Sneak Up On Folks?

Valve Replacement Forums

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11 months ago I had AVR with an on-x valve and I can only hear it when I'm in the bathroom. I feel it much more than I hear it, my adult daughter can hear it all the time if I'm in the room and I had one friend ask what the ticking was about 4 months after my op, two people in 11 months is pretty good. My cardio who doesn't have any other patients with an on-x valve comments on how quite it is each time I have visited him.


At first, I could hear my valve ticking quite a bit: while driving, over the engine noise & air-conditioner; while at work, over office conversations, ceiling fans whirring, etc.; almost anywhere. I was actually concerned that airport security agents or airline employees would hear it the first time I flew post-op, but luckily that didn't happen.

But now, 5 years later, I hear it only when I'm in a tiled room or lying in bed at night. It is a very muffled tick and is actually a quite soothing sound, **not** a "noisy" noise. I've never had problems sleeping due to the ticking.

Like others, I feel or sense the ticking more than hearing it. Did I feel or sense the native valve ticking pre-op? You bet -- especially when it was failing, and then I actually heard the original valve slapping away.
Thank you all for your comments. I guess what I take from this is to be happy that you can hear the darned thing ticking away even if it may keep you awake on a quiet night. Mother can always wear earplugs!

I spoke with one of my customers who has a St. Jude and he tells me his dog is sensitive to it. I?m looking forward to confusing my ratdog! We have a 12/ shiatsu, ½ Chihuahua with a bad disposition! We love him just the same.

Once again, thank you for your sharing.


PS; Has anyone heard from Sheepdog? Am I missing a Thread?