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Active member
May 31, 2012
San Antonio, Texas BAMC/SAMMC
I have seen a couple of folks mention that they were told no caffein for a bit before surgery. My husband's is scheduled for Sep 12 but his doctor hasn't said anything about that -as a matter of fact I had to ask him what meds he should stop taking before the surgery. Husband doesn't see the doctor or anyone now until the day before. He doesn't drink coffee but he does drink colas and eat dark chocolate. Should he stop?

And what's the talk about potassium? I hear about potassium tablets after surgery... and some with too high potassium.

What else has the doctor not mentioned in terms of pre and post surgery food restrictions, etc? sodium? water intake? I don't even know what to ask.

Of course your husband should follow the directions of his surgeon. I was not told to stop caffeine. However, consider a few common sense factors. Your husband might not be served food and drinks that contain caffeine in the hospital. For someone who drinks a lot of coffee and is very accustomed to having lots of caffeine every day, the withdrawal symptoms can include bad headaches for a few days. That would be a drag on top of the usual post-surgery discomfort. Caffeine also has a diuretic effect (makes you urinate). I wouldn't want to go into surgery dehydrated. That can make it harder to start an IV. It doesn't sound like your husband consumes that much caffeine every day. I doubt he needs to avoid cola and chocolate.

As for potassium... After surgery, patients are typically given diruetics like Lasix to flush extra fluids out the body. Extra fluids are given during surgery and there's normal swelling following any kind of trauma (including surgery). Diuretics make the patient urinate a lot to eliminate excess fluids but it also flushes out potassium. In the hospital, your husband's blood chemistry will be checked daily and supplemental electrolytes (like potassium and magnesium) will be given through the IV drip if needed. After discharge, if he's still taking diuretic pills, he may also be told to take potassium supplements. That's up to the doctors.

Your husband may have post-surgery restrictions on sodium, fluids, alcohol, foods containing vitamin K, etc. It all depends on your husband's specific situation.

Here's the most important part...

You and your husband should not be afraid to ask lots of questions. I have a rule that I try to follow - I haven't asked enough questions until my doctor checks his watch for the second time.
Some of us had caffeine restrictions prior to surgery because they were also running tests that prohibited caffeine use: stress tests, blood pressure, and a-fib can all be affected by excess caffeine. So in my case, the week before my first surgery (when I was hospitalized after a TIA on the highway, long story) they ran all these tests, and kept me away from caffeine until the diagnosis was certain and all the tests were run.
Do ask many questions here and at the doctors, it will give you a peace of mind. Write your questions down when you think of something to ask.

If I recall correctly, I had till midnight the day before surgery to eat and drink anything I wanted.

Remember, no question is a dumb question.