Bruising - Ugly Black & Blues

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I started taking 81 mg of asperin about 2 months ago (VR was 2 1/2 yrs. ago) and have suffered with frequent dark black & blue bruises on my arms & legs in these 2 months. Cause of bruise is usually unknown, but the last one occurred on both wrists from carrying firewood. One wrist cleared up in days, the other is a 6" x 2" bruise that has lasted for 2 weeks.

I used to think that having occasional, minor bruising was the result of my INR range being 2.5 - 3.5 and thus not so terrible.

I have cut back to 81 mg Asperin times 4 days per week rather than daily.
Hopefully this will reduce the terrible bruising.

Could this be a cumulative effect from asperin plus Coumadin?

Do YOU always have bruises?
I don't know. I do know that my mother-in-law takes 81mg aspirin each day and she bruises way more than I do.

I have had occasionally bruises of unknown origin (some pretty ugly) ever since I started on coumadin in 1980. They have not increased in quantity or severity since I started my daily baby aspirin about 15 years ago.

They also do not seem to be connected to my INR level although I am sure the warfarin is the ulitmate culprit.

You may not find a difference with lower dose of aspirin but, then, everyone is different as we are so fond of pointing out.;) :D ;)


Nathan has been on EC Aspirin 81mg every day with his warfarin since his AVR 17 months ago. He seldom ever bruised before his surgery and I have seen him with 3 explainable bruises afterward, usually after blood draws.
I'm only taking warafin not asprin and only for 3 months but have not noticed any increased brusing.

I actually tried to stop a falling stereo with my bare foot a few days ago and a corner of it crashed onto the top of my foot...there was swelling and pain but no bruise at all.

Not done anything else stupid to warrant me noticing any bruises...
aspirin and warfarin can increase your risk of bleeding without affecting the INR.

I've sported several good bruises since my last trip by air (Jan. 19-21). Have a lovely one on the back of my lower left leg, one on the inside of my left thigh, just above the knee and another on the outside of my left leg, near the knee.
I always get bruised when I fly -- lowering my TravelPro onto the plane's floor, or getting hit by fellow travelers' luggage in the plane or in the mall.
I take 81mg of aspirin 4 times a week.