As seems to be the experience with most out here I don't remember the breathing tube. I do remember having a bit of fear regarding it before my surgery and if I'm being honest if I have to have a repeat surgery I think it would bother me more than it did the first time. Not sure why but the idea of not being able to swallow and clear my throat bothers me as well especially with the feeling of something down it like a tube. But, again, I don't remember it at all. According to my wife I woke up pretty abruptly and they immediately removed it.Having OHS next for AVR. One of my current rising fears of all things is waking up with a breathing tube. I’m afraid I will be panicky and unable to swallow.
What’s your experience with waking up from surgery?
At that point I would expect you to have one to one nursing, so if you wake up with it in, someone should be there to deal with is.
groggy ... all that was gone when I woke up.What’s your experience with waking up from surgery?
You will wake up a few times, but you will be breathing. They will have you medicated during the post op. Then you will wake up as they take out the tube. It will be sore for a moment, the throat. But it is not nothing to fear. And you will be able to swallow after the tube is out. Just relax and there is nothing to fear, as the staff knows what to do in post op.Having OHS next for AVR. One of my current rising fears of all things is waking up with a breathing tube. I’m afraid I will be panicky and unable to swallow.
What’s your experience with waking up from surgery?
Yeah they test to make sure you can breathe on your own before removing the tube. Heavily medicated and relaxed. I banged on the railing to let them know I was coming around.Before my operation, I worried about waking up with the breathing tube. I was pleasantly surprised to wake up with no tube and not too much pain. My plan for if I did wake up with the tube still in, was to try to relax and point to the tube. This would show the staff that I was too awake to need the tube anymore.
The medication was to keep you relaxed. When you heard the voice, it was explaining the remove of the tube. They medicate you so you are relaxed when they remove the tube. Not to give you amnesia. Glad it worked out for you.I was also woken up after the breathing tube had been far as I know. They give one medications which give amnesia so could have been that, either way I don't remeber the breathing tube at all, the only thing I remember is at some point it being very dark and someone talking loudly to me, but its never dark in ICU so that is a mystery. When I really woke up I felt fine. Hubby took a photo of me in ICU as I had wanted him to as I wanted to know what I looked like unconcious and on the ventilator, I had the tube in then and I looked peaceful.
They did the same to me, was half asleep. But was glad that part was finally over.I think almost everybody has the same fear. I woke up very drowsy with the tube still in and they told me to just breathe slowly. I probably dozed off again, until I heard them say something like, "give us a small cough." I looked up at a very bright light and the tube was dangling above me after they pulled it out. Surreal, at best, but if I had to do it again it would not be among the things I fear.