**Breaking News** "Bob To Sacrifice Crazy Shirt For The Cause"

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I doubt there's a reasonable place to sign it. But you could include with it photos of each of the wearers (wearing the shirt, of course), signed and dated with their surgery dates, in a large envelope as it's passed on.

I have more of them, each garishly different and all grotesquely unfashionable. I wore them straight through the recovery, as silk has excellent temperature-leveling qualities, and doesn't irritate.

Dennis is right. I'll probably be digging around for that shirt sometime between 2020 and 2024, wondering where the heck I put it.

The shirt is, as they say, in the mail...

Best wishes,

Unfortunately - since as I have now learned, you are an outrageous procrastinator :D (evidenced by the month postponement in your surgery date...) my 12/12 surgery is too close to your 12/11 to participate in the Memorial (oops bad choice of words...) uh, "Traditional" VR.COM Silk Shirt Recovery. That's a bummer since it seems to be a good luck shirt and I'll take all the luck I can get at this point.

Seriously though - I wish you all the best during your surgery and recovery and hope to be right along with you. I can't wait to see the Stretch Surgery/Recovery Photo Book as soon as practical.


Susan BAV said:
I was wondering what was the latest on that and I was going to post on the other thread about it to heckle Bob a little bit but decided not to, in case he was really attached to that shirt....

Me too! Thank goodness you two came to your senses on your own (sort of :cool: )
Hi, David!

Hi, David!

I didn't realize your date was 12/12. Seems like a lucky number. :)

RE: Memorial: Should anything happen on the table that will, er... preclude me from being discharged :eek: , and thus from wearing the ceremonial Shirt, I will make sure Noni forwards it on to you. :p
Darn, my 12/6 surgery leaves me out of the running for this shirt soon to be a valver's tradition!

Good luck everyone.
StretchL said:
With or without scar display? :D

Well StretchL your just going to have to stick around to find out...... Looking forward to your photo.

What fun!!
altho after seeing the shirt..I am not sure if I am sorry I missed out on the 'tradition' or glad I don't have to wear the shirt:p

Enjoy.. and may it bring everyone who wears it healthy recoveries!
Nan said:
Darn, my 12/6 surgery leaves me out of the running for this shirt soon to be a valver's tradition!

Actually, Nan, you'll be discharged 12/11 or so, and I'll not be out until 12/16 or so. Sooo...

If you want to have your photo made in Bob's soon-to-be-famous shirt, with you stiking Bob's already famous disco pose (note the subtlety of the pointing right index finger), we should get the shirt to you first. You can do your discharge pic and then send it to me care of Beth Israel or Dr. Stelzer.

A CLASSIC "win-win" situation! :)
Virtual Shirt....

Virtual Shirt....


Since I'm sure you (or at least someone you know...) have some awesome image editing software (not that you would ever use it since editing corrupts the purity of the message of the image...) - I could wear the shirt "Virtually" by sending you a digital pic and having you (or someone known to you...:D ) edit by pasting my head onto your post-op VR Traditional Silk Shirt pic.

However, I am also asking for additional editing if said picture contains anything less than some awesome 6-pack abs since, if I am getting a virtual picture, I might as well make it the best:D .
davidfortune said:
I could wear the shirt "Virtually" by sending you a digital pic and having you (or someone known to you...:D ) edit by pasting my head onto your post-op VR Traditional Silk Shirt pic.

However, I am also asking for additional editing if said picture contains anything less than some awesome 6-pack abs since.

Ummm... ya david... you'll need to do more to my picture than add your headshot if you're looking for 6pack abs! LOL!
Well, that will teach me to go on line every day! I would love to wear the ceremonial shirt, but I can't quite see how we can get it to me. We leave tomorrow morning for NYC....the Helmsley Medical Towers, and I'll be admitted to NY Presb. Weill Cornell on Monday with the surgery on Wednesday. My surgeon's office hasn't been to great about communication so I am not sure that it would actually get to me through them. :(

If I can find a computer in the hospital on Monday (they are actually bridging me with IV heparin!) I'll check in and see if anyone has any ideas.

Perhaps I'll just have to find one like it (!) Or maybe I'll dig out my "old" VR.Com T-shirt from a few years ago and do a disco pose with that.
Call Me, Nan

Call Me, Nan

How long do you think you'll be in the hospital? Noni and I arrive in NYC on Thursday evening, 12/7. We could personally deliver the shirt to you on Friday, 12/8. Alternatively, we could Fed-X it to you, and have FX hold it at an office close to Helmesly Towers for your husband to pick up.

In either case, you could still deliver it back to Noni or I after your discharge and while I'm still at Beth Israel. I'm checking in there the morning of 12/11.

Give me a call at 804-643-6747 and let's try to work something out.
Okay...I can see where this is going...Here's the next step...

There are a couple of other members of the Lost Shirts of VR Recovery Tribe still in the attic.

I have to check, but I have at least two more of these shirts, worn in the same recovery. Each sent free to the first OHS-bound taker (i.e., the first addresses I receive - international is okay), with the proviso that they're forwarded on to the next misguided victi...uh...recipient when the time is right. Pre-tested, size Large, properly laundered, button-front, 100% silk valve recovery shirts.

Agreement is that a photo is taken wearing the shirt as soon as the recipient feels well enough (scar display is optional). The photo is posted in ValveReplacement.com, along with notice that the garment is ready for the next intitiate of The Order Of The Tawdry Shirt. The original photo is then signed and forwarded to the next mildly unstable requester before their OHS, along with the freshly laundered shirt (machine washable, hang dry).

Eventually, there should be quite a collection of photos with each shirt - enough to raise the spirits of anyone approaching their OHS date.

Addresses or questions can be sent to me in a PM. Other than agreeing to the above, there are no strings, no costs, no obligations. All on the honor system, based on your desire to make it more cheerful and personal for the next valve surgery patient. Let's make these shirts circle the world.

Very best wishes,
tobagotwo said:
...to the next mildly unstable requester...

:rolleyes: Well, that was what I was thinking but I'm glad you said it first;)

:pthis is fun though:p
You Rock, Bob

You Rock, Bob

I'm afraid I've created a monster. :)

"The Order of the Tawdry Shirt"

You *DO* have such a way with words!! :)

ps- I'm delivering the original to Nan while she's still in the hospital post-op. Her son's going to make the photo and they're going to return the shirt to me while I'm at Beth Israel. How convenient! :)
Bob, I'm in!!!:cool: Surgery on 12/12 with my plan to be out by 12/16 if I can manage or 12/17 latest. I'll be happy to pic and forward said shirt to willing recipient. I'll send you my address.


Stretch, its great to hear you in such good spirits so close to the day!!
It looks like you are becoming famous in this very large VR community. You could launch a career here!!
Please remember us little guys after you hit the BIG TIME on the 11th!!

The surge will be as smooth as "The Shirt"

Speak to you soon.......

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