Okay...I can see where this is going...Here's the next step...
There are a couple of other members of the Lost Shirts of VR Recovery Tribe still in the attic.
I have to check, but I have at least two more of these shirts, worn in the same recovery. Each sent free to the first OHS-bound taker (i.e., the first addresses I receive - international is okay), with the proviso that they're forwarded on to the next misguided victi...uh...recipient when the time is right. Pre-tested, size Large, properly laundered, button-front, 100% silk valve recovery shirts.
Agreement is that a photo is taken wearing the shirt as soon as the recipient feels well enough (scar display is optional). The photo is posted in ValveReplacement.com, along with notice that the garment is ready for the next intitiate of The Order Of The Tawdry Shirt. The original photo is then signed and forwarded to the next mildly unstable requester before their OHS, along with the freshly laundered shirt (machine washable, hang dry).
Eventually, there should be quite a collection of photos with each shirt - enough to raise the spirits of anyone approaching their OHS date.
Addresses or questions can be sent to me in a PM. Other than agreeing to the above, there are no strings, no costs, no obligations. All on the honor system, based on your desire to make it more cheerful and personal for the next valve surgery patient. Let's make these shirts circle the world.
Very best wishes,