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My Posting

My Posting

If anyone has a difference of opinion about my thoughts on PMs, I wish you would direct your specific objection to my argument, rather then using the moderator as a surrogate whipping boy. Please, don't declare your words, the last word. I am right here!
I agree that there is nothing wrong with PM. They can be very supportive and more personal than a thread. However, Eric began posting by indicating he was not sure of the valve type he wanted. He did mention he was leaning towards tissue but that his surgeon was suggesting mechanical. Fast forward to this thread where he thanked people for all the PM that helped him make his difficult choice. That implies that there were many private messages discussing valve choices. Now, I would not want to imply that we should not use PM but, when discussing such an important issue as valve choice, it should be done in an open forum so all sides are presented.
However, there have been many heated discussions about valve choices so maybe some folks have decided to not make their views public.:confused: I personally find that uncomfortable if that is indeed what is taking place. If not, and I misunderstood Eric's post, then I apologize.
I feel a responsibility to each and every person on this website (both new members and old) and feel we all deserve every bit of information, provided in a public forum, in order to help us through such a traumatic time. I would hate to feel that someone made a decision based on half of the story.
I think that is all Ross was saying.
I have no idea what you are talking about IF you were talking to me, Ross asked why things were being discussed on private emails and not the forum and that's what I was referring too.
I myself did not private email Enteric, BUT I can see why people did private message or email him after he got some not very nice responses to previous posts he made. Maybe everyone would feel more comfortable posting everything on the forum, if people tried to get their points across nicely and not defensive or rude, Lyn
RCB said:
If anyone has a difference of opinion about my thoughts on PMs, I wish you would direct your specific objection to my argument, rather then using the moderator as a surrogate whipping boy. Please, don't declare your words, the last word. I am right here!

None of my last post was in anyway directed towards your thoughts, RCB. As a matter of fact, I didn't even glance at what you had posted.

However, since you've labeled Ross a surrogate whipping boy, I would be interested in why you've come to that conclusion. IMHO, Ross is the last person I would characterize as a whipping boy.
If you're going to try to monitor personal communication.....

If you're going to try to monitor personal communication..... might as well ‘shut the doors’.

It might be a different story if Eric was complaining....... he isn’t. He’s saying ‘thank you’ for the support. Isn’t that what it’s all about?? :confused:

Congratulations on your decision, Eric. Best wishes and good vibes coming your way from southern Colorado!!

Hate to chime in here. Certain parts of this thread should be edited! Point. It's about Eric and his concerns. Not how, where or when info is received. Do have to admit. In the early stages of patient research.....there is a ton to gain from our community. But, most of us are not qualified to offfer medical advice. Opinions yes indeed. In the "big picture".....weighing options will go far beyond this site. I do appreciate Could not imagine life without this support system.

Just my two cents.
Thread on PM vs open forum discussion

Thread on PM vs open forum discussion

Since certain members have been waiting to have a "discussion"
with me, I have started a new thread in small talk so as to not hijack
this one. As Janie would say "YA all come down!"
Well good morning Vietnam.

I think my concerns and those of the others are quite apparent, so there is no need to continue this on, plus RCB started another thread for those that would like too.

Case Closed.


Its been about 11 months since my AVR. Probably over 6 months since I posted to the board.

I decided to log in, and see what's been going on. I dont know how I missed the last few posts to this thread, starting with Ross' post voicing his concern about PM's I referred to.

That of course set off an avalanche of replies.

First off, my intention was to THANK those people who went the extra mile to PM me. And last I checked...the P in PM stood for PRIVATE!
Certainly I can understand the value of this board (lord knows it was a HUGE help to me going through this process) but there is nothing wrong with someone reaching ou to an individual with their thoughts ON TOP of forum communication.

For the most part there was nothing that took away from the research aspect of sharing opinions. Most of the feedback was more of a personal nature. And that was COMFORTING! Isnt that valuable to our members as well?

I appreciate the help I found from this board. In public forum and in private. Both had GREAT value. Ross, sorry for the confusion. I assure you there were no high level communications going on that should have been shared with the class that have not been shared in other threads.

Anyway...glad to see that so many people are still posting here! Bob (tobagotwo) Mary, etc.

As for me...doing much better these days...but recovery was hell on earth! I never did get to tell my story...sorry for that. I should probably do it in another thread.

Again...thank you to everyone who took the time for me. You will never know how much your help meant to me in getting through everything.

I am so glad to "see" you posting!
I hope you find time to update us on what you've been up to over the course of the last 11 months.
Please, don't be a stranger.
Big hugs,
:eek:WW-OO-WW:eek:!!! That's right!

I guess I haven't followed the Valve Selection threads much! Now I know what you meant, Mary, in that last doozy of a Valve (Squabble) Thread, when you replied to my saying that was the worst bickering I'd seen.

And, Eric, share your story when you can; glad things are going better for you now. I'm afraid to ask what valve you ended up with...

I like my pig valve. I also like to eat them and I like to wear them. Cows too. Now the vegetarians can post hostile replies:D.

(edit - I just read the other thread mentioned here - Wow again! I don't recall being attacked over three years ago when I clearly stated I wanted a tissue valve. Actually I think I just ignored/deflected the criticism... Overall I think this site receives all A+ marks in achieving its stated mission -- SUPPORT. Bravo, Hank.)
Welcome back!

Welcome back!


You ornery little devil.... :p haven?t you heard the phrase, ?let sleeping dogs? lie. :D

Sorry to hear your recovery has been such a pain.... ya shoulda e-mailed me. :D :D

Susan.... I don?t eat meat. :eek: But I do wear leather. :D And could care less if anyone else eats meat. So I don't think I quite qualify as a vegetarian. *whew* :D
Enetric said:
Ross, sorry for the confusion. I assure you there were no high level communications going on that should have been shared with the class that have not been shared in other threads.


All water under the bridge Eric. I'm just happy to see you posting! I have often wondered how you were doing and hoped you come back and let us know someday.

Great to hear from you but sorry to hear you had a bad time. Hope things are improving.
Little red spots... yep, I got 'em.

Little red spots... yep, I got 'em.


You aren’t going to believe it.... but I have a flower bed shaped like a tear drop in my back yard, it’s surrounded by a concrete patio and sidewalks so it stays very warm and dry in there..... right out in the sunshine.... :eek: already know what I’m going to say, don’t you?!! :eek: :D lol YES, it’s true!! :D And we now have TWO standard poodles :eek: (one of Onyx’s pups) and they both love to sleep in my flower bed!!!!! I bet half my flowers don’t even make it back unless I make Ryan put the electric fence back around it. :p LOL Yes, electric fence!! I had the rotten little buggers trained until winter came and I turned the fence off. lol
Is This The View

Is This The View

bulldog said:

Long over Bulldog. Look at the very first post in this thread. Enetric came back to visit and pulled this one up again. It's all water under the bridge.
I do wish he'd come back and tell us about his surgery and how's he's been since then. I know he has a lot to offer.

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