Bongodan's surgery is Friday, July 18

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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Hi everyone. I'm out of hospital! Last Friday as you know the surgeons had a fun time reorganising my innards.

It has been an incredible time. It was so great to get to know the other people on the ward - just like this forum, amazing to get to know people with similar problems.

The Royal Brompton, the UK's National Heart Hospital, really was the flagship of efficiency, confidence, knowledge and expertise. Brilliant place. I was so glad I waited for Prof John Pepper and his valve-sparing op - we'll see how it goes, but they reckon on a complete success! I have just left on Atenolol, Losartan, Aspirin, Omeprazol and Paracetamol for the pain.

So - I feel totally rockin!

No pain from the main incision (unless I do something wrong, plus aches at night), aches and pains (muscular) from not enough decent sleep and bad posture due to being stooped over trying not to rip my abdo drain hole dressings - but each step along that acute recovery is a tremendous boost of morale. As each wire or tube comes out there was such relief. Fantastic. The specialist nursing care was exceptional.

The lows - they pale into insignificance now - were getting the breathing tube out, and being sick and nauseous due to the morphine. whilst in the HDU. Also feeling very weak until I had a total of 4 units of blood.

These are not problems now, though. When you are in the thick of it, you are in such capable and experienced hands there is no need to be scared.

One thing that was great was being able to slowly increase my exercise, right up to taking longer spells outside and then off down the road to a cafe yesterday. That was such a boost. Every day there was a huge improvement - I had no idea it would be that quick but people all around me were going home from day 5 post-op!

When all that expertise comes together, you know you are in the right place in the right hands.

However, I have to say without reserve or apology that there is only one real way to do this. And that is surely to put our hope in our God, the master designer, who knows us from the inside out, and has got a major plan for each of our lives.

When I did this, when I reached a place of total weakness where all I could do was trust in Him, I totally went through with a joy and peace that truly surpassed my understanding. Took my breath away.

Thanks for all your encouragements and prayers. I wish all of you so well who are about to go in - don't worry. You'll be back out in no time. Proud of the scar, proud of yourself.

God bless us all.
at a wonderfully inspiring post. glad you are home and feelng so well.
we got a new member in your absence - Mr Man - please go into his thread and tell him what you have said to us.

Yes, putting one's hands in the Greater Hands is the only way to go and then have Faith that all will be well.


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