Bongodan's surgery is Friday, July 18

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I would like to offer my sincere hope that your valve sparing operation is 100% successful, and that you are blessed with an easy, uncomplicated recovery.
You are young and and in good health, so that is always an advantage.
I hope someone will be able to post an update so we'll know how you fared. We always worry until we get confirmation that everything is A-OK!
Hope you get to have that repair, but you are young and I know that no matter what, you will be back enjoying your family and biking very quickly. Best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Godspeed!
Be thinking of you come tomorrow Dan. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Please remind your wife to get as much rest as she can when she can and that to look after herself......spouses have a way of forgetting about themselves.

Prayers and best wishes to you both.

Don't forget about us..........we'll get worried if we don't hear anything :)
Best wishes for your surgery and I cant wait to talk to you soon thereafter.

All the best and prayers,good vibes going out.
Be sure to post us when able.....we worry..Thank-you
Hi from BongoDan's wife

Hi from BongoDan's wife

Just to let you all know that Dan is fine!:)

He had the valve sparing surgery and a dacron aortic graft put in and it all went according to plan. His own/rebuilt valve is functioning really well. They woke him up this morning in ITU and this afternoon transferred him to HDU.
As I write this I have reports from the hospital that he is tucking into meatballs. He was keen that I let you all know he is fine.

Thanks for your prayers and well wishing!
Wonderful news - thanks for letting us know. Meatballs sure sound good.;):D
Lots of surgery this month it seems so heres to waking to a new life and a speedy recovery. My surgery 31 July.
Thanks for taking the time to update us and please give him our best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the update. I'm anxious to hear his tale concerning the valve sparing operation once he's home and can get to a computer. Please send him my best wishes for a quick recovery.
Thank-you for the update and good news
It means so much when we get an update
