Body piercing and infection

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I was yelled at by ER nurse

I was yelled at by ER nurse

A few years ago I decided I was going to have my naval pierced. Didn't even dawn on me to pre-medicate first. To make matters worse my INR was in the low 4's. I eneded up bleeding for about 13 hrs and I lost 2 pints of blood (or was it liters?). This was figured out because the day before I had a hematocrit and hemoglobin (H&H) done with my INR and one was done that night in the ER. Doc was able to calculate how much blood was loss.

As a last resort, ER doc ended up removing the jewerly as nothing would help stop the bleeding. Finally after it was taken out the bleeding stopped. I do however remember that triage nurse yelling at me asking me what I was thinking ever having this done! (I was 45 at the time) I couldn't believe her behavior towards me.

Everytime I see someone with a naval piercing I wish I still had mine. Still thinking of having it done again one of these days but my husb. told me I would be on my own going to ER if it ever happened again. I think I'll hold off for a while. LOL
This is FUN........

This is FUN........

Hey everybody, isn't it fun having a moderator........

Now we're gonna have to check in twice as often to see the posts before the Moderator gets to censor them.......kinda like watching Jerry Springer before they put the beeps in for all the 'bad' words.

And Joy.......poor girl, really suffered at the mercy of the 'eraser' - wonder what the original words were? Ah well I suppose those who didn't see the unerased version are just going to have to speculate on what was there in the original post.

Or........maybe we can have a section that only becomes visible after 9pm so that us 'adults' can check in after the kids bedtime to read the spicy stuff........darned time zones have probably ruled that out.......

....Just have to use my Mr Google what is a 'papilla mammae?'
I know,I just thought it was funny when my thing got edited. It had nothing to do with sex, just what kind of barbel it was. I guess I just forgot what the agreement said. ANYWAYS, I was just wondering what it was that Les said...4 edits and a whew.

Take it easy!
Sorry Girlie...

Sorry Girlie...

he moved to Colorado, and I haven't seen him since. He was probably baked when he had those peircings done. He smoked a lot of pot, and I think that's where his brain went...the scrambled eggs commercial. So sad...
Ross - Bonnie will be home soon and ready for her next 'session' with you. Therapists should never leave town without a forwarding #. She would've had lots to say in this thread, no doubt about it. And you could've edited her all to pieces.

Joy, I think Les edited his own post. He's like that you know. lol:D
Nipple I can understand, but were not going to go into piercing of the genitalia or related devices. That's where it goes too far. ;)
To be serious here for a moment. Aren't we lucky to have a guy like Ross to ride herd on the nastiness that floats about. I appreciate you, Ross and I am sure everybody else does, too. Come on, guys and girls - let's all give him a great big applause for all he does for us................I'll start........, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap........:)
Are you guys kidding???

Are you guys kidding???

We have a moderator??? When did this happen? While I was away? I have never seen anything edited before, or are you guys just fooling around?
And just where is Miss Bonnie? I didn't realize she was away. Geezz, go away for a little while and see what happens?? Someone needs to fill me in on what I may have been missing here!
See what happens when you go away, Gisele?

Bonnie went to see Daddy for 4 days. She'll be back soon.

We had an invasion by a ***** somebody so we needed an editor to wipe the ***** off the face of VR as quick as possible. Ross is appointed moderator when Hank is unavailable. Hank's life is extremely busy these days and Ross is usually close by to catch these things. Sure surprised a bunch of us one morning when we found it (the *****). Glad you missed it - was nasty for VR.:(


Now this really has my curiosity going. Someone flooded the boards with inappropriate language?? Am I on the right track?
Actually, I think it was a lewd Trojan Horse virus, that had the potential of giving your computer hard to erase unwanted pop-up pictures.

We don't need that here. Thankfully, Ross was able to step up to the plate to help out.

It was generated from a source out-of country and it infected several message boards, not just here. A lot of the message boards run by vBulletin had a problem.
Last edited:


Thanks Nancy and Hensylee.

Lucky for me I was out of the country, huh? Glad Ross is such a handy guy to have around. :D What would we do without him??
I know I live with my head up in the clouds and stars, but don't think I posted those stars here - or is Alzheimers' kicking in and I just don't recall???????????? lol lol:D :D
I wondered........

I wondered........

I wondered about those stars Ann.....not like you to edit your own posts or talk in riddles.

I think your post needed 'surgery' - seems it opted for the......

.........'Ross procedure'
Just to clarify: The stars are the boards automatic word censor list. The Ross procedure has nothing to do with those. Hank is thinking this over so it may or may not remain a problem. ;)
Sometimes I send my daughter a personal email and it gets bounced back to me saying that it was refused by their program. Guess they have one of those lists, too and don't like some of my words, even tho they are not bad. She doesn't even get the stars. Would'nt get explicit to her anyway - she works at a school. But the program sure is choosy and I guess that's good.
I hadn't read this thread....

I hadn't read this thread....

Ya'all are over here talking about explicit body piercing and all of a sudden I'm seeing stars in my cir***stances?!!

Boy was that trippy. lol