Bloody Urine - What color(s)?

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama

It's been Hot and Humid (Sultry as they say here in the South) and I've been sweating like a horse when working / walking outdoors and even while exercising in an air conditioned facility. For the last few days I noticed my urine was a 'darker yellow' than normal.

Tonight, after dinner it was more like the somewhat dark Brownish color of the Tea I drink at dinner.
My T-Shirt was Soaked after trimming the ditches in the afternoon sun (temp in 90's). (Yeah, I know...but I just fixed that mower)...

A neighbor (RN) suspected it was just dark because of being somewhat dehydrated (NO dimples when pressing my shins, even after Stopping my usual low-dose of diuretic (Furosemeide / generic Lasix) for several days now.

I see NO Red and NO 'coffee ground' looking density.

SO, for those of you who have experienced blood in your urine while anticoagulated, what Color / consistency do you see?

Last INR was 4.0 two days ago. Nurse recommended reducing weekly dose by 8% and retest in 2 weeks.



Hi Al,

Darker yellow urine typically accompanies dehydration. Increasing water intake should help with that. While I frequently deal with issues related to failure to stay hydrated enough, I've never had blood in my urine.

I wouldn't think an INR of 4 would produce blood in your urine, but closely monitoring would be a good thing. It would be a good idea to visit with your doctor if the issue persists.

I suspect that you are just severely dehydrated. Please continue to drink lots and lots of water! My urine turns dark and other interesting hues. Vitamin B complex turns it a bright yellow each morning. I do not assume that a darker color of urine is necessarily caused by blood. (I have seen blood in urine and, well, it is red like blood. Blood in stool is another matter.) My poor brother is paraplegic and lives in a nursing home. I can always see his urine color because the bag hangs on the side of the bed. It is usually tea-color, possibly due to his refusal to drink much water and wait for someone to bring him a sweet carbonated drink. I have almost never seen him get an IV or or intervention with tea-colored urine. (Sadly, he has lived like this for almost 20 years.)
When I did have blood in my urine, it started out a pinkish tint and soon went to unmistakable red. I was not on anticoagulation therapy at that time.
Sounds like dehydration. It would be pretty easy to find out. Hydrate yourself throughout the day today and see if it improves. You can lose a lot of fluid just sweating and that is probably what happened. I think it's good to have your urine be close to straw color. So aim for that.
Thanks Philip, Maryka, and Ross for your replies.

I called one of the 24 hour Pharmacies last night.
The pharmacist also said blood that blood in the urine should look either pink or red so he didn't think it was blood.
I just called him back this morning and mentioned that I had started taking a low dose of Simvastatin (generic from of Zocor) a few weeks ago. He said that there is a warning to contact your Doctor IMMEDIATELY if you see Dark Urine.
Hope that isn't a permanent effect !!
I agree with Al and Ross ... I tested high last week 5.8 and no blood in urine ... I had blood once while in the hospital post AVR and it looked like cranberry juice ....
I've had blood in my urine three different times. There was no doubt it was blood, it look like pure blood, clots and all. The last time anticoagulated and INR was in control. I've had INR 6 to 7 several times, no blood.

I walk every morning about 7 and my clothes get soaked with sweat. After my shorts and top dry they are loaded with salt stains. Remember salt tablets? Years ago they had salt tablet dispensers at work. The first salt tablets I remember were in basic training at San Antonia. When the temp got to 90 they pushed those salt tablets. :eek2:
I try to drink plenty water but sometimes probably not enough. More water helps keep urine clear, especially when sweating a lot.
Al, I've had noticable blood in my urine twice (that I am aware of) many years ago. It was bright red both times. I also took Simvastatin for a couple years. At 20mg I noticed no change to INR. When doc upped the dose to 40mg, my INR shot up to 5+. I no longer take any statin. My hunch is that the dark color may be due to dehydration (loss of body fluid due to sweating).....but, like your pharmacist said, it would be worth a call to your doc.
Please call your doctor.
Why mess around and needlessly put yourself at risk...... but, of course, you know that. :)
A call to a pharmacist is fine; a call to a doctor is very much better.
Please call your doctor.
Why mess around and needlessly put yourself at risk...... but, of course, you know that. :)
A call to a pharmacist is fine; a call to a doctor is very much better.

Better to be safe. Hope things are okay.


Are you drinking enough beer... just kidding.

Do pay attention to how your body reacts to simvastatin. We've had the discussion about the effects of statin drugs here before.

I had a lengthy conversation about simvastatin with my cardiologist in Colorado just before my Arizona move. I wasn't too thrilled to be on the drug a few months ago when it received a lot of bad press for causing muscle problems. My cardiologist's perspective that only about one in one hundred people who use the drug have muscle issues with it (and he was one of the one in one hundred group) reaffirmed my desire to quit taking it. In the end, he agreed that I probably didn't really need it.

Called my Primary Care Physician's office First Thing This Morning.
Nurse asked me if I would like to come in some time NEXT WEEK to be evaluated.

NO. She then offered to order a urinalysis stat if I came in right away.

Did anybody think UTI? You Win!

Oh, and yes, as others said, DRINK MORE WATER...DUH !

'AL' (as I prepare to go help out a group effort this afternoon with local temperatures in the mid 90's... pass the water!)
It's almost always UTI, but it could be worse things too. I'd rather not guess and let someone diagnose it then to say something stupid and place your life in jeopardy.
So, you did go in and it is a UTI, right. Did they give you any medications for it?

Yep, STAT lab test came back before Noon and Doc called in an Rx for Cipro.
Coumadin Clinic wants me to come in Monday to check INR after 3 days on Cipro.
The Cipo will fix you up.

Another 'senior moment'.... I failed to mention the last time I had bloody urine happen on Saturday morning at 3 AM, I went to IR. The trainees at IR said it was UTI and prescribed something that didn't help. Monday I went to my Urologists, he prescribed, Cipro, it worked.
I had red urine many years ago. I had eaten beets. I checked whether that could cause the red urine, and the answer was that it is possible. I haven't eaten beets since then.

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