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My BP was always normal before the surgery (~120/80). Then all of a sudden it spiked. After the surgery I was put on Bisoprolol to keep that in check and it worked. My BP was actually lower than normal at times 110/60. Slowly I was taken off of Bisoprolol and now 9 weeks post I am getting pretty high BP (140/100) and when I'm not doing anything it's like ~135/95.
I mean it could be stress related because my girlfriend (of 6 years) and I are currently going through a break-up. When I was really emotional I saw it get to 150/120.
So can stress really affect my BP that much?
Aside from stress (and some lack of sleep), I'm a healthy weight, I walk often, I have been very good with my salt intake, I don't smoke, etc etc. All things that would raise my BP I don't do/take. Could Amiodarone be doing this?
I will contact my GP if it doesn't go down. Just wondering what you guys have experienced.
I mean it could be stress related because my girlfriend (of 6 years) and I are currently going through a break-up. When I was really emotional I saw it get to 150/120.
So can stress really affect my BP that much?
Aside from stress (and some lack of sleep), I'm a healthy weight, I walk often, I have been very good with my salt intake, I don't smoke, etc etc. All things that would raise my BP I don't do/take. Could Amiodarone be doing this?
I will contact my GP if it doesn't go down. Just wondering what you guys have experienced.