Blood in Urine

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Hi folks,
It's been a while since i've been here yadda yadda...Had to go to A&E at the weekend as I was passing quite a lot of blood in my urine. Naturally I presumed my INR had shot up but when I got the blood tests back they were within my normal range. I noticed a similar discolouration 3 weeks ago but put it down to too much coffee! I also had an occurence 5 years ago but then my INR was hitting 8. I know this isn't strictly VR related but has anyone had similar occurences? The only other symptom I had was a slight achey pain in my back. I'm awaiting an outpatiuent appt with a urologist but just wanted to check whether thismay have something to do with my valve. Thanks all,
If your INR is in range, I would not worry about your valve.
I would be asking if the blood tests included ones for kidney function, and if your urine sample has been tested for infection. Good luck with the urologist.
Hi Peter?.If your INR is in range you need to see the urologist as you are planning?.I don?t want to alarm you but this could be something serious?.do you smoke or have you ever been a smoker?....bladder cyst and bladder cancer is not uncommon in smokers or ex-smokers?.I had a similar episode after surgery and was checked by a urologist?.I asked him what they were looking for or concerned about and he said cancer or cysts.

It is probably nothing but don?t let embarrassment or fear of the ?test? keep you from going in and getting checked out?..

I agree with Bina and Cooker that having an INR in range is a good sign for you. Still, it would be a good thing to check with your cardiologist or uruologist because blood in urine can be caused by internal bleeding.

A "slight achy feeling" in the lower back can be a sign of Kidney Stones but to pass a Lot of Blood, would suggest fairly large Kidney Stones which feel more like "Giving Birth" (or so I am told).

I can assure you, the Pain from Large Kidney Stones is INCREDIBLE and there is NO Comfortable Position. A shot of dilaudid in the ER brought considerable relief!

The Nurse took one look at me and said "Follow me, I can fix you up" (or some such words). WHEW !!!
In my mind, also, pain in lower back points to a possible kidney infection, although blood caused from kidney infections is generally microscopic. Visible blood is usually caused by a problem lower in the urinary tract and can be as simple as a urinary tract infection (generally causes burning), to cancer, to a sexually transmitted disease, and lots of things in between. Definitely follow up with the urologist. I'm assuming A & E is the emergency room, so didn't they do an urinalysis? That would have shown if there was an infection.
You have a urninary tract infection or kidney infection or both. You need to see a urologist today.
In January, I had no symptoms painwise but was passing some blood. It didn't look like blood, more like iced tea.
Due to scheduling, I went to a company physical. The group that was doing the physicals called the next day and said some of my blood measurements seemed to be very high and that I should contact a Dr. I sent my blood test results to the Card because he is the most familiar with me and he called within an hour and told me to go get another blood test and have the results faxxed to him. He called back within another hour and told me to go check in to the hospital (all this was on a Friday afternoon/evening).
They tested me all weekend (I felt like a pincushion) and decided that I have a rare kidney disease that is treated similar to cancer.
So, get the blood checked out!
I was told that if the disease was left untreated, it was almost 100% fatal w/i 5 months.
Thanks for your replies folks! The pain in my back was not that bad so I don't think this was kidney stones. I've have a niggling ache near my groin area and lower back though. My temperature was in normal range and no sign of infection (as far as I know) was found. The medical term I'm told is "gross haematuria". It can be caused by over exertion and I've recently started exercising again so it may be that. I'll get a urology appt in the next week or so (NHS waiting lists willing!). I'm a bit concerned about other possible causes but I'm trying not to jump the gun, I'm sure we didn't get this paranoid before the internet! Thanks again,
Hematuria seems to be somewhat common with warfarin patients.

I almost always have hematuria noted when I have my annual physical. However, it's not significant enough that I can see it.
The first time this happened, my PCP sent me out for X-rays. He then wanted to send me to a urologist. I declined to go for that wonderful exam.
I always have small amounts of blood in my urine. As Marsha said, this is not something I can ever see but it always seems to freak out new doctors.

The only time I had blood that was actually visible was when I had a kidney stone.

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