Ross, some of us are becoming a bit "old" for that calendar.....get after some more of the younguns.
Ross, some of us are becoming a bit "old" for that calendar.....get after some more of the younguns.
Rectus Sheath Hematoma.
Anticoagulation is a well-known risk factor. The incidence is thought to be on the rise, with the increased use of oral anticoagulation drugs and low molecular weight heparins
I wonder if having BAV would put me at higher risk because of connective tissue problems.
The question remains, why is it thought to be on the rise in anticoagulated patients? I'm looking for studies and the deciding factors for the basis of the statement.
Anticoagulation is a risk factor in life. It's not the cause, so why is it seen more or thought to be seen more?
I read one article where it was misdiagnosed, when it was actually an aneurysm rupture.
I've had so many hernia repairs, that my entire abdominal wall is now lined with mesh. I sometimes think that because of that mesh screen, it's not allowing for growth of the organs and makes me appear fatter then I really am. Of course, without it, my organs would be hanging down my right side. I have an abdominal incisional hernia that has been repaired 4 times and is back again. Surgeon said forget it, nothing more can be done. No good tissue to sew too.