Birthday thanks from Hensylee - Ann

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Such wonderful gifts from this great group. I have so very much to be thankful for and VR is one of them - What an ignorant about hearts I was when I started long ago on the old site - Robthat'sme was the first one to answer a post to me - about 82mg aspirin. There have been so many since then.

Over time, one gets to know the personalities of you all, if one looks. So, I could probably describe most of you and the one constant continuing thread among you/us all is the caring for each other and sharing. And the desire to reach out to another to help where it is needed and wanted.

Your thoughts and wishes have come through to me loud and clear and I want to thank you so very much.

I have truly enjoyed my birthday. Spent part of the day with my brother who has Parkinson's - we had lunch. Had dinner out w/friends. Had lunch with daughter Saturday when she visited. Tomorrow lunch with granddaughter. Friday the other daughter and husband arrive from Atlanta and on Saturday son and wife arrive from Sarasota. Calls from other family with songs included. Who could ask for more. I am truly blessed.

Thank you all.

Ross, yours was the only champagne I had, tho.
