Birthday Calculator - Fun Site

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So neat, Gina!
Now that I know I was born in a leap year, I understand alot!
I especially liked the picture of the night sky; a view of the stars makes you remember the enormity of the universe.
I was born in a leap year also and have found out that I "may or may not get along" with my SO. Guess we fall in the "may" category.;) :D ;)
That was fun, Gina. Now that I know that I am "2,021,581,201 seconds old", I know why my bones ache so!:D
I found this little tidbit interesting...

I found this little tidbit interesting...

Your date of conception was on or about 7 October 1957 which was a Monday.

Ummm...that would have been my father's 25th birthday! :eek: I guess they were doing a little celebrating???

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