Bicuspid Valve - Aneurysms Elsewhere?

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You have to ask 'What percentage of people without BAV have cerebral aneurysms?' Apparently, and I could be wrong, it's about 10% (the study you mention cites 1%. I wonder whether their control group received contrast). The other issue is that most brain aneurysms cause no problems. To completely rule out brain aneurysms, you need an MRI with contrast. This is what I've concluded with my reading. A simple MRI screen, if effective, would be harmless. But, injecting contast is invasive in itself. 2 out of 3 cardiologists said 'don't bother', one said 'the evidence is not strong enough'. The surgeon also told me not to worry about it. So far, no one on this forum has raised it as an issue. Having said that, I haven't ruled out having such a screen.
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I just looked up the prevalence of cerebral aneurysm in the general population. It's estimated as being between 1 and 6%. I apologise for any misinformation.

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