I just found this site via the newsgoups. You are exactly what I have been looking for to give me some information on what I can be expecting in the near future. Let me give you some background on my heart situation.
38 years ago (when I was 16) I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. About 5 years ago it was narrowed (no pun intended) down to a congenital bicuspid valve. I began having symptoms a couple years ago but within the last 6 months, they began getting worse. I had an echocardiogram 7 months ago and again last month. My cardiologist has just scheduled me for a cardiac catheterization. It appears I will be having an aortic valve replacement fairly soon (the results of the cath will probably determine when.)
My cardiologist has said I do not qualify for the minimally invasive procedure and that the Ross procedure hasn't proven to be as successfull as they had hoped. He said I should get a mechanical valve and be on coumadin for life.
Firstly, can someone give me an idea what I can expect with the cardiac catheterization? I go in the Thursday (7/5/01). I was told I should be in the hospital 23 hours.
Secondly, I am a little apprehensive about the valve replacement surgery. I have heard the heart/lung machine leaves alarming long term effects on the brain and memory. I am also concerned about how long I will be out of work.
Thank you for your help.
38 years ago (when I was 16) I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. About 5 years ago it was narrowed (no pun intended) down to a congenital bicuspid valve. I began having symptoms a couple years ago but within the last 6 months, they began getting worse. I had an echocardiogram 7 months ago and again last month. My cardiologist has just scheduled me for a cardiac catheterization. It appears I will be having an aortic valve replacement fairly soon (the results of the cath will probably determine when.)
My cardiologist has said I do not qualify for the minimally invasive procedure and that the Ross procedure hasn't proven to be as successfull as they had hoped. He said I should get a mechanical valve and be on coumadin for life.
Firstly, can someone give me an idea what I can expect with the cardiac catheterization? I go in the Thursday (7/5/01). I was told I should be in the hospital 23 hours.
Secondly, I am a little apprehensive about the valve replacement surgery. I have heard the heart/lung machine leaves alarming long term effects on the brain and memory. I am also concerned about how long I will be out of work.
Thank you for your help.