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I am new to this ! How will 2 to 3 beers affect your Coumadin levels?
Most likely won't affect it at all. It's not so much the INR to watch out for as it is gastric bleeding if your ulcer prone. Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach and can set off a very bad situation.

I drink Bloody Marys, Rum and Coke, Beer on occasion and have never seen anything happen to my INR.
I love to relax with a nice adult beverage. I don't find it affects my INR. I love Cosmos, but just limit myself to 1. However, there was the New Years Eve incident - I can't tell you how many I had - had a HORRIBLE New Years Day and 2 days later my INR was 7.6!!!!!!! Both I and my cardiologist (I finally told on myself) feel it was due to the dehydration along with the alchohol because I got so sick. I learned my lesson - no more New Year's Eve's like that!!! My INR was back to 3.5 w/in 2 days of the 7.6. I also took my bruiser of a dog out for an evening walk during that time. He tripped me, I fell hard on all 4's (I have the hole in my jeans to prove it!) and hardly had a bruise. Go figure????
Tom, when did you have your surgery?
Are you taking other meds?
I don't drink because I am concerned about my blood pressure meds and palpitations.
On the other hand, my father is on meds for angina and he has a beer with his dinner.
Plus, the alcohol content of beer and wine is low, so I don't see your current "habit" presenting a problem.
Like the others mentioned, I think it is more of a daily issue Rachel. My Dad died of an upper GI bleed. He was an alcoholic and drank straight vodka. No amount of alcohol is good on any stomach lining, and if you have known GI issues, go easy. Go with what Bina said.....have some cheese with your wine :)
Tom, i think that the affect alcohol has will be a totally personal thing, you need to monitor it yourself and reach a comfort level based on your inr and what your normal state of consumption was prior to surgery.

For me, i was a heavy drinker before surgery and could drink for hours without affect, surgery took away my only talent :D .

Now post surgery its obviously different, on an average day i have nothing, every few days i'll have a couple of glasses of wine and at a weekend i may have one night where i'll drink 4 glasses of wine (1bottle).

Howerver this past long weekend i've had 4 glasses of wine on saturday, 4 glasses sunday and 2 on monday, this is not a normal routine but i expect it to have no affect on my inr.

I went on a recent business trip for 10 days and drank 4 glasses of wine a day for the 10 days, i tested my inr every two days (not just for the drink but for the altered lifestyle, timezone and eating habbits) and my inr stayed rock solid. I did however drink loads of water before bed to counter any dehydration.

Roll on a thread where we can talk openly about this without feeling guilty that we shouldn't be doing it....