I am a moderate stenosis and moderate plus regirg in the waiting room 42 year old. I'm looking for any studies that have been done on long distance running and Bicuspid Aortic Valves. After being told very early on in life not to push myself, I decided at 40 not to use that as an excuse anymore and adopted a much healthier lifestyle. I committed to running 1000km in 2013 which led to running my first half last weekend. My goal time was 2:00 and I ended up doing it in 1:52 which I was quite pleased about. It wasn't too much of a strain so I'm contemplating trying to train for the marathon distance in about a year. I will be discussing it with my cardio but does anyone know what the elevated risk is for LV Thickening, aneurism or dissection? I am a careful trainer and still don't push myself too much so the training lead up will be gradual. Last cardio visit was no change (progression has stopped over the last few years) and to listen to my body. So far so good and I'm finding no issues so far. I'm hooked after the half and can't wait for the next race.