Back Again
Back Again
After much discussion and research, we finally decided to travel to New York-Presbyterian - Wiell Cornell Medical School and see Dr Leonard Girardi.
On 9/11/08 (not my choice date for surgery in NYC but he had an emergency come up on 9/10/08), Dr Girardi cracked my chest for the 3rd time (first in 1967, 2nd in 1975), and repaired an ascending aortic aneurysm that was measured at 5.4cm and extended from the valve root in to the arch. He also replaced the aortic valve (again) with a St Jude Valve. On 9/18/08, I was released from the hospital for outpatient care via the Guest Facility at the Helmsley Medical Tower (next door). We have been out walking, as best that I could to build up my strength and even walked from Times Square back to the Tower (approx 3 miles) on 9/23/08. This morning, after a visit with Dr Girardi, I was released to travel back to my house in North Mississippi and I CAN'T WAIT! As most of you are aware, I'm tired, sore, and want to go home.
I do have one question for all of you. Since I came out of the anesthesia, I have noticed that my teeth are extremely sensitive to hot and cold. I think I remember the same thing when I had my back surgery (or maybe it was a previous heart surgery), so I'm wondering if it is a response to the ansthestic? Dr Girardi said he had never run in to this but his Nurse Practitioner thinks she remembers hearing it is related to the anesthetic.