My cardiologist recommended that I look into Barostim - a device that is inserted into the right carotid, then anchored onto a spot on the carotid (or is it the brain stem?) that a device implanted on the right side, near the sternum, uses to generate a weak pulse that controls some of the internal organs - putting less stress on the heart.
I've done a bit of looking into it - not enough to satisfy me - and I'm wondering if any of you are using one, or have information about it.
According to my cardiologist, this has been in use for a few years, and he's heard good things about it.
I've done a bit of looking into it - not enough to satisfy me - and I'm wondering if any of you are using one, or have information about it.
According to my cardiologist, this has been in use for a few years, and he's heard good things about it.