Once again, thank you all for your show of compassion & concern --- I really appreciate that!
And yes, I know that I said that I wasn't going to dwell on it or make premature assumptions but the fact remains that the state of my heart is precarious. I know the great risks that I face if I do commit myself to a 4th OHS & the future I face if I do not. I also remember only too well, the look of "relief" on my old surgeon's face when I told him last year that I had decided against the surgery. And too, I remember asking the cardiologist in charge of my case in Houston, "if I was his mother or his wife, would he recommend the surgery?" He just looked at me & said "well I'm not married & that's really a tough question to answer" because you need the surgery, no questions about it." "If you wait too long, you will be looking at a possible heart/lung transplant!"
When I was being released from the hospital, the cardiologist came in to say good-bye & wish me well & he finally said, "if you had been my mom, I would have said NOT to have the surgery." So at that point, what was left?
So Monday when I go see my cardio, I'm going to ask him point blank, "if should I be placed on a heart transplant list?"
I know we're all destined to die & perhaps I won't even die of this ailment but at 57, I still want to live a bit longer. Or perhaps, I should just leave everything in God's hands --- God only knows that if I didn't have the faith in God that I have, I wouldn't be here today, of that I'm sure!
Thanks for listening to me putting my thoughts in writing --- for now, that's all I can do.