Hugs and best wishes - Jeanne
Hugs and best wishes - Jeanne
I received some bad news today. It was time for my echo and while the technician was doing the echo she called my cardio in and he was watching her do the echo. Now mind you I have been feeling bad for about a month, just not up to par, in fact feeling the way I did before I had the AVR. Well, he said my aorta valve is shutting down again. If you remember I had to have a pediatric size tissue valve put in because the surgeon said I had very small internal organs. It's almost like a birth defect, my organs didn't grow with the rest of me when I was small. That's been four years ago. I sure was praying it would last at least 10 years. He said this time they would be an adult size in but it would be a tougher surgery because they would be cutting away tissue around the heart in order for the adult size to fit. I wonder why he didn't do that the first time! I knew deep down that I was having problems. Just this last month my fatique level has been unreal. I get winded really bad. I break out in cold sweats all the time. My heart beats so hard that I literally think it's going to come right out of my chest. Last week I was weed-eating and my chest started hurting so bad that I nearly crawled in the house.
Al, I think I'll do just that. I see my cardiologist every Wednesday when I volunteer in ICU. I'll mention it to him and I'll also see if I can get my records. I always get my report from my oncologist but I've never asked for it from my cardio. Then I'll give Dr.Kouchoukos a call in St. Louis. I'm only five hours away from St. Louis.
Thanks for all the advice.
I read the post I sent yesterday and I thought to myself, how depressing!I should have waited until today to tell everyone. I did sound like I was giving up and I think yesterday I kinda of felt that way but TODAY, TODAY is a new day and I'm not going to give up without a fight.
Harry, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling better. Hugs and prayers are coming your way. You are such a sweet man. I can tell by your posts! I wished we lived closer so we could lean on each other more. I would be there for you in a heart beat. Is that a pun? No, it's the truth.
Thanks again guys, you all are the best! !