Bad Ice Storm Here

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Anyone heard from Nancy?
Hope everything is okay and Nancy is safe and warm.

WAS WONDERING THE SAME ABOVE QUOTE....continued prayers Nancy

hope all is good your way. Waiting for a post when able

zipper2 (DEB)
Nancy, just reading this post. My computer has been in the shop for a couple of days. I hope you are okay. We had one of the worst ice storms last year on December 10. We lost major big trees and limbs. We were without power about five days. Prayers coming your way.

Welcome to my Weather.......I like to share :eek:

khawkk, you'll have to check out my thread "Its Coming" on our weather


Yes Freddie, Thank You.
Not only you but thanks to all of our friends from Canada for
sharing their wonderful weather with us...:cool:

From now on everything below zero I'm gonna call a 'Freddie Freeze'

It appears you are w/out power. Hope you have lots of wool blankets, comforters, a fireplace, etc., things to help you stay warm.

BTW, I had an e-mail this week with the subject line "Relatives in Upstate New York???"
The e-mail was from a cousin I've never met. Her grandfather & mine were brothers. My paternal grandfather's family was from Schnectady area, and other than meeting two of my grandfather's sisters years ago, this is the first time I've gotten any contact from his side of my family tree. (My grandparents were separated and my grandfather died about 1958.)
I responded to this e-mail but have not heard back yet. I'm assuming that she, too, has been hit hard by the ice storm.
We only got rain in the Boston area, but about 20 miles west it is terrible. Governor declared a state of emergency. Spoke to a SIL in affected area, she said they were told they'd be without power for a week! Sure hope Nancy is finding a place to stay warm.

Along with a few others out east, I was wondering how this was affecting you. Sure hope you are well. Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"It's the right time to rock the night away" ... Bobby Helms ... 'Jingle Bell Rock'
Hi Nancy ~ Best wishes and prayers that you're safe. We lucked out here in Jamestown, but they got ice nearby in Buffalo. Supposed to get another snowstorm tomorrow, but no ice. Hope to hear all is well soon,

Nancy's power must still be out, or she would have been back to update us. Sure continuing to send prayers her way!

I think you're correct. My husband asked today if we had heard from her.

I just spoke with my DIL in Tennessee and they are under an ice storm warning. She has 3 children and our son is out of state attending a class. So we're worried about them.
It has been quite a bumpy ride. It started out with freezing rain on Thursday, and then Thursday evening and all night there was the sound of trees falling and huge limbs cracking and falling. I couldn't sleep since there are several extremely tall pine trees right outside my bedroom window, and the noise coming from the neighbors yards and from the nearby wooded area was pretty scary. I was wondering when one of those trees would come through the roof.

Fortunately, the trees held steady, but I did lose very large branches. My property is a MESS. And I did lose power on Thursday night. It was just restored this afternoon (Monday), so I was without power, heat and internet access all that time. It was very cold outside and 43 inside the house. I do have a fireplace, but as luck would have it, the damper on the fireplace needs a repair, and I hadn't gotten to it yet, so ended up wearing many layers of clothing and a hat in the house. I even had to sleep in a hat.

The dog and I spent a lot of time in the car driving around and getting warm. :)

Many neighborhoods had tremendous damage, trees uprooted, main lines down, transformers and power poles laying on the ground, poles snapped in half and I guess the main power transmission lines which go through wooded areas took a terrible hit, and hampered the recovery effort. Our local power company outsourced much of the work to anyone that would come to help, some from as far as Michigan.

Shelters and warming stations were opened all over the area.

I was never so glad to see the linemen arrive in the neighborhood. They came from all over, and we had Con Ed (NYC) and Ohio Electric working on the lines along with our local power company National Grid.

It is true that there was an older couple who died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator in the garage in my town. What a shame.

Several of my neighbors have permanent generators which are tied right into their gas lines, and they go on automatically. If Joe were alive and living here, as sick as he was, we would have a permanent generator, since he was on oxygen. But the expense is high, about $5000.00 or so, so if this kind of thing doesn't happen often, then it doesn't make much sense to make such a large purchase.

I will however, get the fireplace damper fixed. That would have been a good thing to have :)

Anyway, I survived and so did my little dog.

We are quite happy now!
So relieved to hear from you Nancy and I am glad that you survived with no major damage other than blue toes and fingers. I hope you can get some help to clean up the yard. Take it little by little and enjoy your return of the electricity and heat.
Glad to hear from you Nancy and more relieved that your okay (and puppy too).
Hope you've already made that appointment for the repair guy to come and fix your damper. :eek:

And don't worry about your yard. That mess will be there in the spring and hopefully your neighbors will give you a hand.

Take Care and stay warm.
Just called the man who does the lawn and he is going to do the cleanup. It needs some chainsaw work and there are some large branches that are too heavy for me to lift, possibly some other torn tree limbs that just never separated from the tree that need to be cut off.

Very fortunately for me, in the late fall, I had a tree surgeon come and lop off large pine branches that were hanging over the roof. He cut them off about twenty feet above the roof. And he also took care of many large dead branches and one that was hanging over the power line. I think that saved me from major damage.

Tomorrow, I get into the damper situation and make some calls.

I am still chilled to the bone. If any of you are skiers, you know the feeling. It takes a long while to just get warm through and through. A nice soak in a hot tub sounds divine, not to mention that I need it :D Washing up with icy water leaves a lot to be desired.
WHOOOOa Glad your alright Nancy,the material of it can be cleaned-up

Hope you don't catch cold now and are safe and warm.

Mother nature is always full of unexpected suprises,just glad your

all safe and accounted for.....Good to see your post, (WE WORRY WARTS)

zipper2 (DEB)
Glad that you are OK, Nancy, and stay warm. I love snow, I love the beauty of its color and the reflection of colors on it, but not the coldness and damages that come with it.

Make sure when the fireplace is fixed, you have enough wood to burn.

Glad you are safe and will keep you in my prayers:)
I'm relieved to hear that you and your pooch are safe and warm Nancy.

When we lost power for 4 days due to an Ice Storm several years ago, the house also stayed around 40 degrees, thus avoiding the added problem of frozen pipes! Sleeping in multiple layers of clothes and coat gets old in a hurry!

You may want to consider a medium sized generator (2KW to 5KW) for those times when the power goes off. You might have to trade off between a heater and keeping the refrigerator running...

And of course take it OUTSIDE when running to avoid carbon dioxide buildup in your house.

'AL Capshaw'
Glad to hear things are better and you are okay.

They are predicting freezing rain for us tonight. Snow last week, freezing rain this week and 80 degrees in between. Gotta love that Texas weather!

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