Back to work

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Active member
Nov 1, 2007
Destin Florida
Back to work on 5/6, 4 weeks post op. I think that is amazing. Personally, I felt like going back last week but Doc says no go. Started riding my bike yesterday, tired of walking sticking to a slow mile still. I will begin the cardiac rehab next week with the excercise and diet regime, looks like we are off on the road to a full recovery!
Take care you guys.....
I have been signed off work for 3 months by the doc. Which is nice I suppose, we can take 6 months sick leave on full pay. At 6 weeks post-op I could quite easily go back now. I'm bored silly at home. However got cardiac rehab starting in 2 weeks so thats something to do.
Good news! At 4 weeks, there is no way I could go to work. Take it easy and don't do to much. Best of luck to you.
I write for a living and work at home. It was 2.5 weeks after I got discharged and less than 5 weeks after surgery, that I went back to work part-time. It gave me something to do, and it wasn't taxing. I began writing blog posts two days after my hospital discharge.
I hope everything works out well for you going back this early. I would like to caution you not to overdo it. Go on limited duty if you have to.

Wish you the best of luck & God Bless
I went back 4weeks post op also, it was tougher mentally for me than physically to go back to work. After such a life changing event I had a hard time focusing on work.
Anyway, glad you're doing so well!

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