back pain

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
I have had terrible back pain since the surgery.. My doctor's explained to me about all the muscles that get disrupted with surgery and told me it would get better. Exactly when does this happen. It's been 3 weeks since surgery and it hasn't gotten any better. It hurts more than my chest does.
It will get better. Unfortunately, mine bothered me for a good 2-3 months. I think I received my first massage at about 3 weeks out which helped some. The only other thing that helped me was a heating pad. My back was really the only thing that caused me any paid other than headaches.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I will be 3 weeks out Tuesday 4.12.09. Mine is affecting my sleep. Doc told me the same thing. When is it safe to see a chiropractor?
Hi Laura,

I also had awful back pain after my surgery and while it has relented during the past few weeks, I still have a certain amount of discomfort, especially when I get up in the morning. I thought this was a problem for me because I already had problems with my back, but I've been assured that I'm far from the only OHS who has experienced this. A lot has to do with how you are manipulated on the operating table, which in my case gave me a great deal of back and neck pain. I'm ten weeks out now and I can tell you that at this point I have more discomfort than pain and most of this has moved up my back and settled in my neck. My chest didn't bother me at all for almost six weeks and as sensitive as my incision is now, it can't compare to the back and neck discomfort I've experienced. The good news is that it does get better. Hang in there. I'm on the verge of beginning to count my time in months instead of weeks--time always passes faster than we can believe when we look at it in hindsight.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery,
Laura, back/shoulder/neck pain has been bothering me from the first day of surgery but it seems to be getting a little better now 6 weeks out. I'll take a tylenol once in a while, keep my back warm (wear a jacket when I'm walking around), and try to lie down in the recliner when the pain flares up. I keep a small cushion under my arms in bed and in the recliner to keep my shoulders propped up -- most of the back pain seems to come from the weight of my arms. It'll become tolerable soon enough, but 3 weeks out you're still early in the recovery process.
Lower back?

Lower back?

I had lower back pain too and blamed it on sleeping on my back exclusively for several weeks.

Flip mattress
Sleep inclined on pillows
Put a pillow UNDER your knees when sleeping
Heating pad
Different chair during the day than what you've been in
Massage therapist - wish I had done this, and asked her to come to my home

Once you can sleep on your side a bit--with pillows to lean up against, that may help. I forced myself to sleep on my sides even though it hurt like crazy to transitition from back to side and back again. It gave some relief NOT to be on back only.

Good fun being in such discomfort. :(

They have hand massager devices in the stores that are hand held. They 4-6 round nodules on them. I usually get someone to use it on my back. If I recall you have several kids, I would put them to duty with the hand massager. If your kids are young enough you could bribe them with quarters.
They have hand massager devices in the stores that are hand held. They 4-6 round nodules on them. I usually get someone to use it on my back. If I recall you have several kids, I would put them to duty with the hand massager. If your kids are young enough you could bribe them with quarters.

I do have one of those hand massagers. I know a quarter will sound like a lot to my 2 youngest. thank you.

I have been sleeping on my side for the last week. I usually put a king size pillow in front of me to prop me up a bit. I also have alot of insomnia on top of the back pain which makes nights even worse.
I had back/shoulder/neck pain on and off for about a year post-op. It seemed to come and go with the changes in the weather, especially cold and damp spells. It eventually disappeared. I took a couple of arthritic formula tylonol for it.
Ugh, my back is killing me too, and I'm a week behind you. My nurse said all the "young people" have the same complaint. All night long I can't get in a good position to sleep, and even if I do, I'm all sore and stiff when I wake up. I cannot wait to go get a massage!! I hope your kids can work some magic for those quarters.
Laura, good to hear from you. My back hurt more than my surgery did! I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis and the OA in my back made me miserably uncomfortable. Hope you can get some relief. I had lots of pillows and Ultram.
For about $150 you can get a Homedics massage insert for an easy chair/recliner that will do a rolling massage and a shiatsu like "kneading" massage. The newest model has a higher back and a heating element which mine lacks, but I still use mine when I can't get to sleep because of back pain. You can isolate upper and lower back if you don't want the full back massage. It's a little pricey, but only a bit more than a masseuse and you can use it any time you want. Mine's paid for itself over and over again, since it was an angina reliever before surgery. Each session lasts about 15 minutes and then it shuts off automatically, but you can opt for another session. Just remember to keep it unplugged when you're not using it so you don't waste electricity.
For about $150 you can get a Homedics massage insert for an easy chair/recliner that will do a rolling massage and a shiatsu like "kneading" massage. The newest model has a higher back and a heating element which mine lacks, but I still use mine when I can't get to sleep because of back pain. You can isolate upper and lower back if you don't want the full back massage. It's a little pricey, but only a bit more than a masseuse and you can use it any time you want. Mine's paid for itself over and over again, since it was an angina reliever before surgery. Each session lasts about 15 minutes and then it shuts off automatically, but you can opt for another session. Just remember to keep it unplugged when you're not using it so you don't waste electricity.

I totally agree with BigOwl. I had received one of these as a Mother's Day gift several years ago, and just didn't use it that often until after my surgery. My daughter remembered that I had put it up in a closet so she helped me put in on the recliner and of my stars, the rolling massage was heaven. I had a lot of stiffness in my shoulders and neck and this helped a lot. I would use it for about 30 minutes at a time with the heat option. I did this about 4 times a day and I always felt less tense and stiff after. I think that Walmart has a similar one to the Homedics for a little less $$. :)
OOooo, been there done that my dear! It does get better with time so be patient & try some of the good suggestions that were already given to you on previous posts. I kind of think too, that a lot of the pain some of us feel after OHS on our shoulders, backs, necks, has to do also with the fact that the operating room, recovery & even our private rooms have to be kept at such a low temperatures. Brrrr......I remember! :eek:

I have Osteo in my spinal area & both hips & I dread having to have MRI's, Caths or any tests that require long periods flat on my back because the pain can get really bad. I always request a pillow for the small of my back but even that doesn't help sometimes. :(
I hear you loud and clear. I'm 6 weeks post-op and this has been my BIGGEST complaint. Never considered going to a Chiroprator, but I think I'm going to. For now, I make my hubby give me several massages per day. I found that once I was able to sleep on my side the pain subsided a bit. Hope you find some relief!
Laura, If you can find a good massage therapist that is your best bet. I nearly proposed to a nurse that gave me light backrubs while in hospital, but when I got out my then girlfriend was a massage therapist. The massage was much better than any pain meds. Wishing you relief, Brian
You look great could never tell your back was bothering you. I had a hard time with my back also. Sometimes I think they throw you around on that operating table a few times before they start the surgery.:eek: I went to a chiroprator several times before my surgery so that seem to help some, but still had some pain when surgery was over. I went to have adjustments as soon as the dr told me I could about 6 to 8 weeks. Then I went to a massage therapist a few times too, which seem to help alot.
Just try whatever feels comfortable to you. I slept with lots of pillows and whatever I could get ahold of that was soft.
Good Luck hope your feeling some relief soon.
BTW thats a huge heart pillow!! You must have a BIG heart. :)
Take Care,
Crystal :)
I remember those days ! I have a touch of arthritis in my right shoulder, and the way I was shown to get out of bed was to roll onto the right side, and dig the elbow i . . . I think I strained every muscle in my back at some point the first few weeks home. I rmember crying from it, not so much just the pain, but the unfairness that my back hurt worse than my chest did, and was holding me back from doing things.

One more word : ROBAXACET - it has a muscle relaxant as well as a painkiller, and helps me sleep when my back bothers me (I have had a bad back since pulling muscles when I was about 15 years old). If that doesn't work, try MIDOL or some other menstrual cramp med, they have muscle relaxants, too.
I remember those days ! I have a touch of arthritis in my right shoulder, and the way I was shown to get out of bed was to roll onto the right side, and dig the elbow i . . . I think I strained every muscle in my back at some point the first few weeks home. I rmember crying from it, not so much just the pain, but the unfairness that my back hurt worse than my chest did, and was holding me back from doing things.

One more word : ROBAXACET - it has a muscle relaxant as well as a painkiller, and helps me sleep when my back bothers me (I have had a bad back since pulling muscles when I was about 15 years old). If that doesn't work, try MIDOL or some other menstrual cramp med, they have muscle relaxants, too.

I am also on a muscle relaxer twice a day now... i'll have to try the Midol... never thought of that. Thanks
laura: oh i know how you fun. i had a massage and the lady used one of those pregnancy pillows so i could lay face down without being intoo much pain...ive also heard since then that acupressure works well for the pain. thanks to bigowl for the tip onthe chair insert! im gonna go get one I think in prep for the pain!