Thanks everyone for such great replies! My doc started me on 100 mg of the tambacor but he cut the dose in half because I was very droswy and dizzy the first two days. He wasnt sure if it was the metroprolol or the tabacor so he cut both doses in half. I havent had any episodes of CHF on the meds. Although I have had a cough for 2 weeks and have been short of breath but no obvious signs of water retention. I have been on antibiotics and am still coughing and wheezing. Maybe I'll pop a lasix in the AM since I dont work tomorrow Its hard when I have to plan meds around work and my kids. I cant exactly take a lasix and go to work. I also cant take my girls to the park and such if I have to pee every 10 minutes. I will eventually find a good mesh between a active lifestyle and all of this.
I would like to think that with some time, maybe I could get off of these meds. I would love to think there may be a day when I only have to take the coumadin. As it is I only have to go in for PT once a month. I was really bad about taking my coumadin on and off. I would sometimes forget it for 2 or 3 days. I know that is an area I need to improve on and thats just my own damn fault.
I am also feeling a lot of itchiness on/around the incision which is weird because it didnt bother me at first. But I am very happy that I dont have the sternum ache that I had for awhile. Not that it was bad but nice to yawn or stretch or turn without it.
I would like to think that with some time, maybe I could get off of these meds. I would love to think there may be a day when I only have to take the coumadin. As it is I only have to go in for PT once a month. I was really bad about taking my coumadin on and off. I would sometimes forget it for 2 or 3 days. I know that is an area I need to improve on and thats just my own damn fault.
I am also feeling a lot of itchiness on/around the incision which is weird because it didnt bother me at first. But I am very happy that I dont have the sternum ache that I had for awhile. Not that it was bad but nice to yawn or stretch or turn without it.