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Keep in mind that you do have to move it though or you'll get a frozen shoulder, then back to the doc for that :( Just don't raise, but move it!!!!!
Many hugs coming your way, my friend. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and recharged for a good long time. Can't wait to hear your radio program.
Hey there Cort!

Hey there Cort!

So happy to hear your brand new pacemaker is installed and ready to go. :) Ya never know when you may need it..... visited the fruits and vegetables part of the store lately? :p

Cort, sweetheart..... there is no such thing as a 'wierd' chest in this group. :) Every chest is a beautiful chest at :D
"there is no such thing as a 'wierd' chest in this group"

Expect Ross to be along shortly with a commentary:p

Told myself those words while trying on a bikini top for my spring trip:D was a tankini.:p Scar is difficult to see. I think we are more conscious of the scars than anyone else.

Will make sure I post my photo after the trip!

Back to Desperate Housewives..........!
lynn said:
Keep in mind that you do have to move it though or you'll get a frozen shoulder, then back to the doc for that :( Just don't raise, but move it!!!!!


Yes, Mother!


But, seriously, I've found that "fine line" between moving it ... and keeping it "close to me" so as not to "disturb" the dang collar bone ... not a fun task, I might add.

Sherry said:
Can't wait to hear your radio program.

He he ... you'n'me both! I'm sure you, and others, know how much I loved doing that radio show last April ... sure hope my meeting goes well tomorrow (Monday) so that it can happen again. We'll see!

Rain said:
visited the fruits and vegetables part of the store lately?

Heh ... can't say I have ... lately. I did a couple times here in town ... and about a month ago in Freeport when I visited some friends there for a weekend. Neither was a good experience :(.

LUVMyBirman said:
I think we are more conscious of the scars than anyone else.

I had become less self-conscious of it in the last couple years, but now ... guess it is a bit more "bothersome" to me than I thought. I KNOW it shouldn't be ... but, well, arg....tough to explain why it is :(.

LUVMyBirman said:
Back to Desperate Housewives..........!

*raises eyebrow*

Holy cow! What a show tonight! He he....

And, again, everyone ... thank you ... your posts, comments, well wishes, thoughts, prayers ... very much appreciated.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Tell them we're survivors" ... Rascal Flatts ... 'Life Is A Highway'
Hey, Cort!

Glad you're back and on the mend. Did you ask for the optional battery charger for this pacer? Or, at least an extended warranty?

Once you get back to a more normal schedule, give a shout and we'll do dinner.

Glad you're back with us. You had your pacer in Jan. 2003, mine was Dec 2003. I often wonder about the batteries. I have a pace check next week, on Feb. 26. I wonder when I will get the news "it's time for new one". Wish you a speedy recover and hope things go well with the show. Take Care.
"Grammy don't worry about what other people think, I love you just the way you are" This is a statement my 10yr old grandson made when I wanted to find a coverup makeup for my scar. Bought it buy have not used it.:D :)
epstns said:
Did you ask for the optional battery charger for this pacer? Or, at least an extended warranty?

LOL! Sadly, neither was available :(. I'm told that is something they are working on for "future" editions ;).

epstns said:
Once you get back to a more normal schedule, give a shout and we'll do dinner.

Hey ... that sounds good! I go back to work tomorrow (Tuesday), so it probably won't be this week ... collar bone is still in pain, so it'll be interesting to see if I last a full day...heh.

NascarfanMary said:
I often wonder about the batteries. I have a pace check next week, on Feb. 26. I wonder when I will get the news "it's time for new one".

It all depends. Generally, the lifetime is (from what I've been told) 7-10 years. In my case, it was considerably shorter because they had to keep the pacemaker "up" since the leads were being corroded by scarring from the 2003 surgery. Now that they've put the pacemaker in my chest area, I should be able to have it last the "general lifetime" ... at least, I'm a hopin' ;).

And, Jackie ... sounds like you have an adorable 10-year-old grandson ;).

Again ... thank you :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'
Hey Cort... i'm kinda late, I know.. just read your posts... glad you're doing and feeling better.. looking forward to hearing your radio show online.. definately ready to "go back in time" with some of your classics.

take care, and have fun!

Another Late Welcome Back...

Another Late Welcome Back...

Cort, I am glad everything went well and your back with us and your "Baby Girls" It's interesting that you do a radio show, because my older brother does as well...he does his on a British Radio Station right over the internet through Paltalk, and I will have to find out what station it is and where you can find it....Anyway, I am really thrilled that everything went well with your pacemaker and your back ticking right along with the rest of us...Harrybaby:D :D :D
CHRIS! Good to see you posting again ... saw your "back" thread ... sounds like you have been BUSY :). Radio show details will be posted when I have 'em ... stay tuned ;).

And, Harry, thank you :). My older 4 "baby girls" won't be back out until spring ... after the winter weather and salt goes "bye bye", but the '87 MC LS keeps me company until then ;).

Do let me know about your brother's show. Sadly, mine isn't a "continuing" thing ... I'm just trying to do again what I did last April ... with different songs, of course ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"What are we going to call it then?" ... Michael Martin Murphy ... 'Will It Be Love By Morning?'

Thank you, Patty.

Sadly, looks like we're having to survive yet ANOTHER wintry blast ... RIGHT NOW ... ARG!

BTW ... will be posting RADIO SHOW details tonight :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Nothing lasts forever" ... Simple Plan ... 'Perfect'

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