Hi Mary,
I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well and you've been given the all clear. You must be thrilled!!
In light of your recent experience (..and at the risk of bringing a more somber note to this thread..) I feel I should share an email that was recently sent to me. As it was quite lengthy, I will give you the "essentials"...
Each year, 1 in 55 women will develop either ovarian or primary peritoneal cancer (..while this is a cancer in it's own right, it is essentially a form of ovarian cancer..). While removal of the ovaries or hysterectomy will prevent further episodes of ovarian cancer, it DOES NOT protect against later development of primary peritoneal cancer!!!
The good news, however, is there is a simple blood test called CA-125 which can be used as an early diagnostic tool for both these aggressive forms of cancer.
Unfortunately, this test is not covered by insurance like mammograms, pap smears, or even the PSA test which detects prostate cancer in men. There are celebrities such as Gene Wilder and Pierce Brosnan (..who's wife had primary peritoneal cancer..) who are lobbying to have this simple test included as part of a women's annual health check-up.
Your doctor may try to talk you out of having this test done, but for your own sake insist they carry it out.
I hope this has given everyone something to think about and perhaps pass on to the women you care about in your lives. Apparently Gene Wilder's wife Gilda Radner died of ovarian cancer, but before her passing wrote a book about her experiences and the CA-125 test. The name of this book wasn't included in the email, but it shouldn't be too hard to track down if you're interested.
Again - Mary, I'm so glad you're OK, but I thought this important to share since a hysterectomy can give you an apparently false sense of security about these types of cancers.
Cheers all,
Anna : )