Back home from cancer surgery

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Mary, glad to hear you came through the surgery OK with good news. Please be sure and let us know how the biopsy turns out. All my best for your continued recovery and good health...
My hat's off to you. I can't imagine how you handled it. They'd have had me in a straightjacket. You so greatly deserve to have things go your way for a while, now.
Hi Mary,

I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well and you've been given the all clear. You must be thrilled!!

In light of your recent experience (..and at the risk of bringing a more somber note to this thread..) I feel I should share an email that was recently sent to me. As it was quite lengthy, I will give you the "essentials"...

Each year, 1 in 55 women will develop either ovarian or primary peritoneal cancer (..while this is a cancer in it's own right, it is essentially a form of ovarian cancer..). While removal of the ovaries or hysterectomy will prevent further episodes of ovarian cancer, it DOES NOT protect against later development of primary peritoneal cancer!!!

The good news, however, is there is a simple blood test called CA-125 which can be used as an early diagnostic tool for both these aggressive forms of cancer.

Unfortunately, this test is not covered by insurance like mammograms, pap smears, or even the PSA test which detects prostate cancer in men. There are celebrities such as Gene Wilder and Pierce Brosnan (..who's wife had primary peritoneal cancer..) who are lobbying to have this simple test included as part of a women's annual health check-up.

Your doctor may try to talk you out of having this test done, but for your own sake insist they carry it out.

I hope this has given everyone something to think about and perhaps pass on to the women you care about in your lives. Apparently Gene Wilder's wife Gilda Radner died of ovarian cancer, but before her passing wrote a book about her experiences and the CA-125 test. The name of this book wasn't included in the email, but it shouldn't be too hard to track down if you're interested.

Again - Mary, I'm so glad you're OK, but I thought this important to share since a hysterectomy can give you an apparently false sense of security about these types of cancers.

Cheers all,
Anna : )
Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info


Thanks that was good information. I have been worried about other cancers since all of this has happened. I have read so much about how hormone therapy cause breast, and other cancers. I am a little worried because of going on HRT very soon.

My oncologist had told me about the C-125 blood test, whether I had that test, I am not for sure. He had told me that there was a lab test he could do before he did my surgery.

I agree that this type of test should be done as a yearly routine for women. I am certainly going to not neglect my yearly exams, because you never know! I had had my pap smear last feb. Before all my heart problems were found. It had been several years since a mammagram was done. But every women should get those done yearly.

I am very lucky!! Some women can't say that. I told my Dr that I dont like to complain about things, and she told me that she knows me well and when I dont feel good, there has to be something going on. She told me that this time I did the right thing by calling and telling her.

Everyone has told me that I must have some very special angels watching over me. I do and they will continue to watch me!!

I will be participating in the Relay For Life ( American Cancer ) in June. I will be out there walking in honor of all women who were not so lucky and I will be sharing my story to give them hope. I am very excited. :)

I'm so glad things turned out well for you! One of my sister's best friends just went through a very similar ordeal recently and was lucky enough to have it caught and removed in the nick of time.
Congratulations Mary!

Congratulations Mary!

Wow, you have been through the mill with all your surgeries. I had my mitral valve repair on 5/30/02 and then also had a hysterectomy 5 months later, on 10/10/02 because of cervical pre-cancer. My PCP tells me that everyone only gets so much "medical stuff" to go through and I've had my share. Guess maybe he's not right, huh??
Here's hoping and praying that you are now cancer-free.

In the almost two years since my heart surgery, my younger sister has died of breast cancer at age 43, my mother's sister has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, (and unfortunately is likely not long for this world), and my father has survived prostate cancer :eek:. His PSA results were very good last month, so that was encouraging.

I'm sooooo sick of this whole cancer thing! I try not to worry about it, but when it seems to run in both sides of my family, it's really hard not to.



Well I am feeling about the same. I now have an infection, (again). Seems like everytime I have surgery, I get an infection somewhere. The dr has put me on Cipro again and there goes my INR level!!

The biopsy hasn't came back. I talked with my oncolgist Fri and expressed my concern about the menopause symptoms. I was hoping he would give me some medication for the hormones, but stated I won't be able to take anything due to my heart. It would affect my coumadin and I could be faced with more blood clots. Al, do you have any info about this??

I have been having mood swings( alot of crying) and HOT FLASHES!!! They said that I could use soy products to try to releive that symptoms. Has any one have any suggestions? I see my family Dr. on Fri. Hopefully my incision will be better. I will update you then. Keep me in your prayers.
Please consider seriously the path of going on HRT, at least long term. Perhaps discuss with your doctor using it as a bridge therapy.

Some drug companies are dropping or selling their HRT lines. Some of the actuarial results have not been that favorable toward HRT and long-term health, although clinical testing prior to the acceptance of HRT drugs had indicated it would be a positive influence. Right now, it's a toss-up as to who's right. However, so far, anything that has not been positive has dealt with long-term use of HRT, which is why I suggest the bridge.

My wife is "at that age," and has been dancing the hokey-pokey with the Big M for about seven years. Although it offers some points of relief, she has determined that she will not use HRT, based on the mixed results that have been showing up. I fully support her decision in this, although It may mean I wind up living in the basement on crickets and mice for a while.

I am torn about this posting. I hate to ring one more alarm bell, because I really feel you don't need another one, but I suggest looking it up on the web. I just did an MSN search for "HRT." Item one is Wyeth's HRT site. Items two and three are about class action lawsuits regarding long-term HRT. At least you'll have something to discuss with your doctor.

Very best wishes,

It is really rough to suddenly be thrust into menopause. It is worse than just gradually arriving at it. I had a total hysterectomy and bi-salpingo oopherectomy when I was 50 for a tumor on my right ovary. In addition to that the HRT I was on seemed to be like a growth hormone for some fibroids I had. Within a year's period of time the size was prohibitive to do a vaginal hysterectomy. The tumor turned out to be benign but I have not gone back on the HRT nor would I want to. Things will settle down before too long although it might not feel this way right now. I would suggest you totally eliminate sugar from your diet for a while as that always seem to make my hot/cold flashes and sweats much worse.

I've been watching for a post about your biopsy reports. Any back yet or did I somehow just miss the post. I hope you are starting to feel more like your old self again. Life sure does get complicated sometimes. I agree you had an angel watching over you.
Wow, have you been through it or what? Just keep the faith and rest in His peace.
Last year my wife Charyl had to have one of her overies removed, and the fallopian tube. They also went after other pre-cancer cells with a laser. It was frightening, and the check ups are nerve racking. (for me more then her I think)
To go through two surgeries so close together .... well I would say you have had enough for awhile. Take it slow and get some rest. (Now if I could learn to take my own advice! ;)

You've got quite a bit on your plate at the moment and it can't be made any easier with having to deal with instant menopause. When I came off HRT about 3 years ago due to the bad press, I started carrying a small battery powered fan in my purse. They're available at Walmart, Kmart, etc and really help in a pinch. I also found that I do better sleeping in a colder than usual room as it's faster to throw the covers off and cool down if the air temp is on the cool side. Take good care of yourself and be sure to let us know your biopsy results. I hope things get a little easier for you now, you've had more than your share of late.

Sorry to hear of your discomfort.

When I had a total hysterectomy at age 34, I was given hormone shots while in the hospital. Then I did the HRT thing. Got tired of taking the pills, so I went cold turkey into menopause. Had the hot flashes, night sweats for a couple of months (helped to sleep w/ ceiling fan on, w/ AC turned way down). Then things settled down pretty quickly.
Hello eveyone,

I have really been having touble these past few days. Today I called my family dr. and they told me that I am just going to have to rest more now. I haven't felt good for days and I have been in bed having to rely on oxygen. I am so tired. My INR is at 1.71 and I had some problems with my right leg.

They want me to watch it for blood clots. I am having to take more pain medication and all I do is cry. I called the pacemaker clinic and they checked my pacemaker and said things looked good, but if I am not feeling better in a few days to call the Cardiologist.

It has been hard to explain, yes I am having hot flashes but I am getting thru them. But the way I have been feeling is like all the energy in my body is draining out. I told my husband it feels like I am dying , getting life less. I am ubable to do much. Just sitting here typing this, is a struggle. It will be 3 weeks tommorrow that I had my surgery. I dont see any Dr.s till the end of May and June 3. But I am very worried. I don't know if its my heart or if its symptoms of the cancer surgery.

I havent heard on my biopsies yet but I promise to let all of you know how they come out. Just say a prayer for me. We are very concerned. I have never felt like this even when my heart was at its worse before the open heart. Well I have to rest. I will be in touch.
I feel so bad for you. It does sound like you need to rest as much as possible.

The lethargy may be related to the huge hormone hit you took, but you should be aware of other possibilities. Try to sort out where and what feels bad on you. Look for consistencies in when or how you feel bad.

You've also had to cope with a huge emotional burden with your critical health problems and multiple surgeries. I think I'd be crying. Truthfully, I feel like crying just reading about what's happened to you. Without covering up possible symptoms, consider whether an antidepressant might help some.

Rest now, get well, be well.
Sorry to hear you've been going through such a rough time Mary. Take it easy and get as much rest as you can. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way....

Hoping you feel better soon,
Anna : )
That's a rough road you've been one.......just take it one step at a time. We'll keep you company along the way.
Hi Mary,
You hang in their now. So many people are praying and thinking of you and your family. Sue said it so very well, that 'we will be here to keep you company along the way.' Try to get some rest. Your in good Hands.



Bless your heart. If I could, this mother hen would put her arms around you and give you a big hug. I can't be there, but God's arms are around you at all times. Give it all to him. Now, I know that's easier said than done. After every one of my surgeries I've got terribly depressed. They call it situational depression. So for a few months after each surgey I have taken Paxil. Between it and praying a lot, it worked miracles. Right now waiting in anticipation for the AVR on June 2, I find myself crying at the drop of a hat. I sang at church last Sunday and cried like a baby. The song was "I'm gonna live forever." And I am ! ! Regardless of what happens, "I win." My oncologist upped my cancer medicine for CML and it again has threw me a curve. So now I have double the side effects. I hate this stuff! ! ! :mad: :mad: I know what he is doing, he's trying to get all my counts down (from the leukemia) before I have the AVR. He suggested that I start the Paxil now and continue for about six months after surgery.

Mary just keep trusting in the Lord, even in the bad times. He is our strength. And remember that you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Hi Mary,

I am in the Amen corner to the above replies.

Also, your biopsy reports should be back by is probably time to send out the blood hounds to find the results. Not knowing is sometimes even harder than having something concrete to deal with. Remember too, that just because you don't have a scheduled appointment for a few weeks that does not preclude you from picking up the phone and requesting advice for handling your symptoms. It is very easy for medical personnel to assume everthing is getting better if they don't hear anything to the contrary.

From the bottom of my heart I hope you soon turn the corner for the better!