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A Little More about Aortic Dissection

A Little More about Aortic Dissection

Randy's description of how he felt after eating reminds me of someone who, like Ross, is another miraculous survivor of aortic dissection. His name is Richard Houchin and Cedars-Sinai issued a press release about him. It doesn't go into all the detail in the article, but Richard will tell you that after that first burning feeling in his throat he became very sick to his stomach when this hit him.

Here is a link to the press release.

I also want to touch on aortic chest pain subsiding in the ER when blood pressure is lowered once more. Someone may go to the ER with chest pain, not knowing that they have an aortic aneurysm in their chest. They are appropriately checked for a heart attack. Typically Nitro is given, the blood pressure comes down, and the pain goes away. When the tests for a heart attack are all negative, if they do not check the aorta, they may assume it is anxiety. This is what happened to a young man named Doug Grieshop, and it is why there are two young children growing up with out their Dad today.

Here is a link to Doug's story.

Unfortunately what happened to Doug is not an isolated event. I hope this helps with the understanding of aortic conditions in those with BAV.

Arlyss said:
Randy's description of how he felt after eating reminds me of someone who, like Ross, is another miraculous survivor of aortic dissection. His name is Richard Houchin and Cedars-Sinai issued a press release about him. It doesn't go into all the detail in the article, but Richard will tell you that after that first burning feeling in his throat he became very sick to his stomach when this hit him.

Here is a link to the press release.


You know, thinking back to that night, I thought I was having a round of indigestion and had gotten up and took pepcid and a couple other things, but the pain kept getting worse until at 2 am, I could no longer take the pain and was literally trying to lean over the back of a chair or anything to try and stop whatever was going on. My middle son heard my faint yelp for help and got up to call for an ambulance. I remember waking up on the floor, vomit on my pants and a Paramedic slapping my face. I got slapped all the way to the hospital. Once there, they put a Foley Cath in and got NOTHING. The nurse thought she placed it wrong, so he tried again and again and still nothing. My kidneys had already shutdown. That is about all I remember until waking up those 30+ days later. Just in time for the Oklahoma City bombing and the Cleveland Browns leaving Cleveland.

I'll have to find the sheet of everything that went wrong with me and post it. It's a real treat.


Just curious...I have thrown up alot lately:eek: ~~~gross I know~~sorry..TMI..but, When I do too much, which, these days is basically staying on too long LOL..I get nauseated.
I have felt a tearing, stabbing feeling mid chest at times, it feels different than my normal chest pain.. I'm SURE that I don't have an arotic dissection going on..but, have any of ya'll ever experienced similar symptoms?
I'm having surgery on Thursday thank goodness or I may have myself with all kind of symptoms (possibly in my mind) before too long! :D :D


Holy cow! You really do need to take it easy and follow your new rules! We are all very worried about you! I am also glad that you are being closely monitored! Please take care of yourself!

Love and prayers coming your way!
So glad to hear that you are okay and getting good medical attention. It also sounds like you are taking the opportunity that life is presenting for you to really examine how you live your life and what you want to keep and what you want to let go of. My experience is that our hearts are wise in the lessons they provide.

Take good care of yourself.

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