Well-known member
Th' Mayo Jar has been buried unner th' fourth Pee Can Tree in th' dark of night, only t'be dug up when necessary t'prove mah innercence.
ah will make sevahal observashuns:
1. Eff'n ennyone went t'bed hungry in this hyar group it was their own fault.
2. Mary will walk yer legs off eff'n yo' let her. Don?t EVER foller her an' Wise t'thet Pancake House on TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN----straight up!
3. Perry was th' quietess one in th' bunch. Now mah DAWGS'd haf been raisin' Heck ev'ry minute.
4. A fun time was had by all.
It was reinforced to me this weekend that I am a follower and not a leader!!
All that walking to a pancake house and only one in the group had pancakes. Now I won't have them again until we meet again in the pancake house in the sky....and I don't mean in heaven, but on Airport Road. Then again, that's not going to happen either, unless we drive...maybe.