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Hi Folks.

Today I was discharged from the hospital where I have had a redo Op on my unexpectedly early deteriorated Hancock v23 bioprosthetic aortic valve (9 months). The 2nd Op took less time, but has been more traumatic and painful due to the extra two suction catheter tubes driven under my right lung. The surgeon took out what looked like a highly dysfunctional valve and replaced it with a St.Jude. One of the surgeons who later came to visit me in my Post-Op room told me that the valve was indeed in pretty bad shape and was sent to the manufacturer for inspection. As both pre-Op TTE and TEE had indicated, the reason behind the failure (or should I say fiasco) was purely a structural one, not attributable to any pannus, trombus or endocarditis. Now, I waiting for the results to come out. Thanks to fellow forumers here who offered symphathy and moral support.
First and foremost, don't post about it. Legal Eagles will search and find anything they could possibly use against your case.

Glad you made it through surgery, though it sounds like not without trials. Sorry for that.

When you get your answer, you may want to edit your post and get rid of the last two sentences. ;)
I had the same thoughts as Ross, Please edit your post.
Hopefully they can kind out what was wrong with your valve, it seems like it is happening more and more with 1 company, might be a coincidence, but ...
Welcome home! Wishing you a quick, uneventful recovery and hoping that this will be your last OHS. Also hope that you get some answers and satisfaction for what you went through with your previous valve.

That is a horrible series of events to have happen to you. Congratulations for coming through the repeat surgery and pain of healing. Like Nadine, I hope that you are free from operations from now on, and that answers start coming from Medtronic about these valve failures soon.

Best wishes,
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Sorry to hear of this. My homograft took 9 years to disintegrate. I chose mechanical the second time around as well.

Rest up, breath, feel good.