Thanks, He was having trouble breathing, so they had to put him on the vent. The baby (who is cute they sent a phone pic has lots of hair) is going to CHOP tonight, but the mom has to stay in for another day or so, I know that will be tough, since the hospitals aren't very close. So Chris has to meet Dr.Spray (he did Justin's last 2 surgeries) by himself tomorrow, I offered to go if it would help since it is alot to take in and i know a little about the surgeries ect. I'll keep you guys posted. I suggested a page, but they haven;t set on up yet, when they do i'll pass it on.You know I like the more prayers the better. Oh he is a nice size, about 8 1/2 pounds.
Thanks again.Lyn
ps we also have a 6 year old niece Ryann w/ different CHDs than either Justin or Cody (altho close to Justin's) who has had 2 OHS (and some people say CHDs aren't genetic). Don's oldest brother passed when he was 12 following heart surgery, a couple years before Don was born in 57 and Don has 3 sisters one is Cody's grandmom and the other is Ryann's.CHOP research was really interested in our family tree and blood, Since we have CHd on MY side of the family too