I agree that the crime against that child was horrid beyond belief. How could any parent not stop doing that when a little girl says, "I love you."? I know that I would instantly stop--long before the beating ever started. How could they not stop? I suggest a possible reason--not a valid excuse in my mind, just an explanation.
My theory is that since elective pregnancy termination is not only not illegal, but actively supported by some political parties, it follows that the younger the children, the less value they have in the eyes of society (i.e. the degree of criminality of deeds against kids below age 7 is less than that against older kids pointed out by abbanabba--I assume it's some sort of Australian legislation). While the great majority of sane people see kids as having value no matter what their ages, there are some who believe that elective abortion should apply to all ages, pre-birth, birth, and post-birth. After all, what difference is there? The baby before birth is inside the mother, and after birth is outside the mother. The kid is equally alive in both cases. What logic says a living person before birth is any different from a living person after birth? Our laws say there is a difference, but really is there? Pro-life people believe in human value at all stages of life, but what of others? Where does personhood start and end? While most pro-choice people see kids as valuable humans, there are frightenly more than a few who extend the logic of legal pregnancy termination to (what should be legal in their minds) child termination since the the only difference is the child's degree of dependency on the mother for survival.
It's a horrid thought, but I can see the warped logic that may have led to this tragedy. This couple for some insane reason decided to 'terminate' their pregnancy several years late. Since the methods of elective pregnancy termination are usually brutal to the fetal or embryonic child, so was their 'post' birth method. Right now I'm pretty upset about our dog's life hanging in the balance, so I'm a bit extra upset right now. When somebody brutalizes a child for whatever reason, it's a horrid crime.
As for those parents, maybe ten or so relatives with bad tempers (cruelty probably runs in the family a bit) who loved Grace could be placed in a nice large room with lots of stuff that could be used to do some hurt to the two responsible for this crime. Then the authorities would just leave, promising them that there would be no legal consequences to whatever they choose to do over a period of a few days. I'm not sure what would happen. It could range from ghastly agonizing deaths to forgiveness all around.
Of course I'm angry. In God's eyes, even that brutality can be forgiven, and I should have that attitude, as should anyone else who realizes they are saved by God's grace. What probably would be more just would be to neuter and spay them (yes I know it's the veterinary terms, but to these "animals" it applies), so they cannot ever have another 'unwanted' child again. Then the prison terms could start... During that time they could teach others by example to never do what they did, and perhaps could find peace with God somehow. I hope my statements aren't too upsetting, but I can't stand seeing kids of any age (including unborn) being brutalized and their lives cut short. I hope in my own anger I do not sin, because even the so-called 'righteous indignation' can be warped to evil. I guess the best thing I can do is pray for the couple and hope that whatever happens from here on out, it results in change for the better--and perhaps convince other people whose lives hang in the balance between love and cruelty to choose love.