I re-read this again, and it's going to seem like a little bit of a vent....
I guess I should have worded my original post a little better, I in no way intended this post to convey that I hated my scar, or I'm not proud to show it, I guess I was just having a bad day, I usually dont mind when people stare (I usually ignore it) and usually dont get offended, sometimes work feels like a place where not everyone knows about my heart issues, sometimes its a place that I can "get away" by keeping busy I'm less likely to think about my heart issues, and sometimes I can feel "normal" and "invincible" if that is possible
you have to remember, I had my first surgery when I was a little over a year old, I don't know anything other than having a scar on my chest and a wonky heart (I remember when I realized that it was weird to have a scar, and not everyone has one, apparrently I used to think everyone had a scar) I have great days, weeks, months of time where I hardly ever think about it, dont even notice my scar, or think about my heart its a non issue the majority of the time...its just "life" for me. Sometimes I just have days where it bugs me, days where I realize in the middle of my work day while I'm juggling a pager, critical respiratory support for someone in ICU, the ER's breathing treatment and incoming respiratory distress, and 3-4 patients on the floor that "crap, I'm not normal, I'm not invincible" That's where this comment put my frame of mind, its not that I'm not ok with the scar, or that I'm not proud to show it off...
I agree with you geckley, I've gotten the "you're too young" speech too, people just have no clue what they are saying when they come up with some of this stuff, way to make me feel "this" big. . .
Awesome answer marguerite, I really appreciate the pep talk everyone, I just need to learn to redirect the conversation to the patient, which would be the "Professional" thing to do. I like the answer in ski girl's response, but I'm afraid that would get me canned, LOL.
thanks for listening to me and being here!