AVR scheduled Tues and have a cough Will they reschedule it?

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I am new here. I am scheduled for an AV repair or possible replacement on Tues Feb 3rd. My husband and kids and I are all flying to Cleveland and have our hotel reservation, flights, everything booked. As luck would have it, I got sick and have been fighting a cough/bronchitis for the past 12 days. I took some antibiotics about a week into it b/c I get bronchitis every year and it ALWAYS develops into a secondary bacterial infection and I suffer for months b/c no doctors will give antibiotics if they suspect viral. This time, with my upcoming surgery, I took matters into my own hands when I realized I was only getting worse and started myself on leftover clindamycin I had from a teeth cleaning. I started feeling better within a day, but I STILL have a leftover cough . I have no fever or other sign of infection except this residual cough. I have let the nurse know and she didn't seem that concerned, but I have heard from others that they may reschedule the surgery...............Is this if you are running a fever, cold, flu, cough or all of the above.
Anyone with some insight, please share.

Oh yea, although I'm sure I'll be up half the night reading posts, if anyone has an experience about AV repair or replacement and what to expect, I would love to hear it. I am so scared and anxious and stressed b/c I have 2 small children that really need me to be here.
I just turned 40 and only found out about my BAV a year ago and was initially told that I just had mod regurg and not to worry, medication may be all I need for at least 20 years. Within 6 months I started having TIA's and got a second third and fourth opinion - everyone being worse than the last. After some research, I decided that I wanted to go to the Cleveland Clinic which I did and they scheduled me for surgery 2 weeks later which is Feb 3rd.
Thats my story in a nut shell. Wish I had found this site sooner.
From what I hear, you will be happy w/the clinic. I was supposed to have surgery there but instead I went through ER and ended up in an Akron Hospital. They did a great job. I had an AVR. I did not have much time to be scared but I can tell you the pain is not near as bad as you think. Yep, there is pain. My advice is to stary ahead of the pain. You will be ok. About your cough.......I guess they will make that decision. Hope everything turns out for you. Best of luck.
Hi there klynnc and welcome to the zoo ;)
I can't offer any advice about your cough, sorry, I just wanted to say "hi".
How old are your kids?
Welcome, Klynnc. I wish you had found us sooner, but I will put you on the calendar for Tuesday and I hope that you can go ahead with the surgery then. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
When you say that the nurse knows, and doesn't seem to be concerned, are you talking about a nurse who works at Cleveland Clinic?
If you are only suffering the lingering effects of the illness--the cough--then I don't think they will postpone the surgery. However, if you're still coughing post-op, you may suffer much more discomfort due to it.
Those bronchitis coughs last a long time. It's one of the things that fooled me into believing my former gp that I didn't have a heart problem--thank god for second opinions.

You may just have left over cough from the bronchitis, or it could actually be a cardiac cough from your valve. If it happens mostly when you lie down or try to sleep, it's more likely cardiac. I had one Hell of a cardiac cough--I was on asthma meds for it before surgery, and for a few weeks afterwards, though we were not sure if it was the lungs or the heart causing it.

But if you've had a good round of antibiotics, and it's just the bronchitis irritation without active infection, hopefully they'll go ahead with the surgery.
The cardiac cough also is ignored for those purposes-it says you need surgery!
Best wishes for a safe trip over the mountain. The view over here is pretty good.
Welcome, Did you have a full round of antibiodics or just a few pills? I think alot of the decision wether surgery will be postponed or not depends on how your lungs sound ect. Since it can be pretty tough post op if you are going in with alot of junk in your lungs. But if it is just the post sickness drier type cough you probably would be cleared for surgery again it is hard to say. My son's 4th OHS was postponed because he had been sick and he took antibiotics but his lungs still sounded a little junky. It turned out to be a Blessing they postponed surgery, because 2 days later he was pretty sick and it would have been miserable if recovering from surgery.
How old are your kids? I saw you and your husband and children are all going to Cleveland.
Hi and welcome from another newbie,

I wouldn't know if the cough would be a problem. But not having temperature is a positive.

Most likely your AVR surgery will go great as many do every day.

I wasn't too concerned about my valve problem but I had known about it for 10 years. And unlike yourself, it was causing me no problems.

Also unlike you, I didn't have any TIA's until about a month after surgery. Mine caused a loss of vision in one eye. It look like a curtain shade was pulled down over about half of my eye. They only lasted a few minutes. But of course these can sometimes be followed by strokes. At the time I didn't know that.

Wishing you the very best.
Welcome and good luck with your surgery. I had AVR surgery a couple of weeks ago and am coming along nicely. The waiting is definitely the worst.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you all so much for your kind and positive words. I think the cough is dwindling and surgery will happen. Although I am curious about this "cardiac cough".....would it cause frequent bronchitis symptoms? My kids are 3 and 5 years old so they bring home colds and coughs constantly. I've been wearing a surgical mask in my own house the past 2 days!! And I may get the nerve up to wear it on the airplane. Thanks again and I will keep you posted.
I'm glad your cough is dwindling, hopefully it will be gone soon. Is someone going to be there to help your husband with the kids? If it is none of my business feel free to say so :)

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