Hi Liz,
I am now a smige over 8 weeks post op and I have to say that the information I got from here was invaluable.
As for the op itself, I really can say that for me it was pain free, uncomfortable at times but pain free. I do remember the breathing tube and being told not to try and speak and having it removed - it really didn't hurt. The removal of the drainage tubes stung a little but again that was short lived. I lost my sense of taste (this has not returned yet) which does make it a little more difficult to eat, especially as you probably won't feel hungry but like many before me have said, you do need to try and eat. Maybe little and often rather than full meals ?
The biggest thing for me, which with hindsight I should have thought about was not being able to use my hand/arms, so things like slipping down the bed meant that I had to have assistance with, however on the upside I now have abs of steel and can get up from a prone position just using my abs, yeay ! As a side sleeper I did find sleeping on my back a little troublesome in the beginning, so don't be afraid to ask for meds if needed, and be aware that you will probably be sleeping in an uprightish position for a while and as I have just discovered that when I reverted to flat the room spins initially.
I am not a patient patient as those who know me will testify, but listen to the medical staff, and your body and you will be fine. In no time at all this will be a distantish memory and you will be moving on with your life, better, faster, stronger than before.
I will, along with everyone here, be keeping you in my thoughts. Have a safe journey through the op and we'll see you on the post-op side.