AVR in 11 Days

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Ditto re: the dental appt. for me too prior to surgery.
Yvonne, sending lots of positive energy and thoughts your way for a successful surgery.
I didn't have to have it in writing, but both my cardio and surgeon "suggested" that I get everything done before surgery.

Good luck to you - and I have to say SEEEE! we keep telling you pre-surgery guys that the waiting is the worst, but you never believe us until it's over :D
Yvonne, mustering some guardian angels, from this corner of the woods, for your surgery and recovery. Can't go wrong with some benign, healing energies along with the expertise and experience of the surgical team!

I learned after my surgery that an acquaintance arranged for a group of total strangers to get together and assist with the guardian angels/energies bit. They spent hours at it, right through my surgery, (I was actually quite emotional when told) and it worked!!

I have my life back and it gives my cardio the opportunity, after every follow-up, to use his strange sense of humour with the remark "you are as fiddle as a fit"! :)
Thanks Jeannette, Johan and Deb!

Only one week to go and I'm feeling more jittery as each day passes. I just want this to be over and be posting on the post-surgery board about my recovery :)
Thanks! I'm surprisingly starting to feel calmer as the surgery approaches. Only 4 days until the cath and 5 until the surgery!