The laxatives that were prescribed to me in the hospital did absolutely nothing. By the 3rd day after surgery I stopped eating. I asked for Magnesium Citrate. I think I drank the whole bottle. Worked wonders.
Whilst its true that a good bomb dropper is required after OHS, my ow issues were front-facing. Luckily the French employ some very pretty nurses, which made sorting that problem somewhat effective
Prior to my ohs I was always constipated so I was very worried about that after the surgery. I was given miralax every day in the hospital. It took 4 days but I had no problems at all.
I recall the nurses in the hospital used a combination of 3 laxatives to control the stool. They certainly wanted to avoid the constipation, and, if anything, be on the softer side. (And this was the only type of medications that nurses could dial.)
Was also sent home with two of these laxatives, for the same reason. Only remember one -- senna (OTC).
Would highly recommend the pre-surgery consumption of carbo-hydrate drink, as directed. It helps restart the stomach after the surgery.
Believe the walking also helps -- as if you didn't have enough reasons for doing it )